Pamela Frankau

Standard Name: Frankau, Pamela
Birth Name: Pamela Frankau
Pseudonym: Eliot Naylor
Married Name: Pamela Dill
PF had a dazzling success with her first novel in 1927. She went on to publish more than thirty novels, as well as plays for stage and radio, short stories, autobiography, and an important anti-nuclear pamphlet. Despite several Virago reprints, she has not received the critical attention she deserves.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Julia Frankau
JF 's grand-daughter Pamela Frankau was another family member who made a name for herself as a novelist.
Fictionalization Rebecca West
West mentioned the story to Frankau just before its appearance, saying it was funny. Its publication caused a permanent rift between them, while Wolfe, though wounded, got over the wound. Four years later, Frankau retaliated...
Friends, Associates Rebecca West
Over her lifetime, RW made countless friends. These included US journalist Dorothy Thompson (whose long-lasting friendship with her is treated in Susan Hertog 's double biography Dangerous Ambition. Rebecca West and Dorothy Thompson: New Women...
Friends, Associates Margery Lawrence
Among ML 's close friends were the Irish diplomat and writer Sir Shane Leslie and the English war-poet Humbert Wolfe (lover of Pamela Frankau ).
Lawrence, Margery, and Shane Leslie. Fourteen to Forty-Eight. Robert Hale, 1950.
Friends, Associates Marie Belloc Lowndes
Apart from MBL 's established literary friends, there were many whose early writing she encouraged to particularly good effect: Graham Greene , Margaret Kennedy , Pamela Frankau , E. M. Delafield , and L. P. Hartley .
Iddesleigh, Elizabeth Northcote, Countess of et al. “List of Books by Mrs Belloc Lowndes, Foreword”. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947, edited by Susan Lowndes Marques and Susan Lowndes Marques, Chatto and Windus, 1971, pp. prelims, 1 - 3.
Literary responses Rose Macaulay
The Towers of Trebizond won the James Black Tait prize.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Bensen, Alice. Rose Macaulay. Twayne, 1969.
A reprint of 1959 quotes on its dustjacket a chorus of praise. John Betjeman and Sir Compton Mackenzie called the novel RM 's...
Occupation Rumer Godden
While living in Highgate RG took to organizing readings: at Foyles bookshop, promoting young poets; at Kenwood House; and for the Arts Council , where she spent two years on the Poetry Panel...
Publishing Rebecca West
RW 's novella or long short story The Addict, based on Pamela Frankau 's lover Humbert Wolfe , appeared in Nash's Magazine.
Rollyson, Carl. Rebecca West: A Saga of the Century. Hodder and Stoughton, 1995.
Publishing G. B. Stern
GBS says she wrote one thriller, my first and last whodunit,
Stern, G. B. . And did he stop and speak to you?. Henry Regnery, 1958.
set in a Mediterranean villa occupied by an English holiday house-party, modelled on an actual group of her friends. The writing of it...
Textual Features G. B. Stern
For Long Lost FatherGBS may be said to have borrowed the family myth of her friend Pamela Frankau : the story of a daughter on the threshold of adulthood and an artistic career, suddenly...
Textual Production Kate O'Brien
KOB followed her first play (the previous year) with a second, The Bridge, opening this time at the Arts Theatre Club .
Contemporary Authors online gives the date of the first performance as 31...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text G. B. Stern
She begins by quoting in its entirety Robert Browning 's poem entitled Memorabilia, which as she observes is better known by its opening line, Ah, did you once see Shelley plain?
qtd. in
Stern, G. B. . And did he stop and speak to you?. Henry Regnery, 1958.
She approaches...


9 December 2006-17 July 2007: The National Portrait Gallery in London mounted...

Writing climate item

9 December 2006-17 July 2007

The National Portrait Gallery in London mounted an exhibition of photographs of women writers, mostly novelists, from 1920 to 1960.
“Women writers through the lens”. Mslexia, No. 33, Apr. 2007, p. 7.


Frankau, Pamela. A Democrat Dies. Heinemann, 1939.
Frankau, Pamela. A Letter from R*b*cc* W*st. Editor Raymond, Diana, Privately printed at the Tragara Press, 1986.
Frankau, Pamela. A Wreath for the Enemy. Heinemann; Harper, 1954.
Frankau, Pamela. A Wreath for the Enemy. Harper and Rowe, 1964.
Frankau, Pamela. Ask Me No More. Heinemann; Harper, 1958.
Frankau, Pamela. Colonel Blessington. Editor Raymond, Diana, Bodley Head; Delacorte, 1968.
Frankau, Pamela. Food Facts for the Kitchen Front. Collins, 1941.
Frankau, Pamela. I Find Four People. I. Nicholson and Watson, 1935.
Frankau, Pamela. “Introduction”. Colonel Blessington, edited by Diana Raymond, Bodley Head, 1968, pp. 5-6.
Raymond, Diana, and Pamela Frankau. “Introduction”. The Winged Horse, Virago, 1989, p. v - xiii.
Frankau, Pamela. Jezebel. Rich and Cowan, 1937.
Frankau, Pamela. Letter to a Parish Priest. Christian CND, 1962.
Frankau, Pamela. Letters from a Modern Daughter to her Mother. Hurst and Blackett, 1931.
Frankau, Pamela. Marriage of Harlequin. Hurst and Blackett; Harper and Brothers, 1927.
Frankau, Pamela. Over the Mountains. Heinemann; Random House, 1967.
Frankau, Pamela. Pen to Paper. Heinemann, 1961.
Frankau, Pamela. “Preface”. A Letter from R*b*cc* W*st, edited by Diana Raymond, Privately printed at the Tragara Press, 1986, pp. 3-5.
Frankau, Pamela. Road Through the Woods. Heinemann, 1960.
Frankau, Pamela. Shaken in the Wind. Heinemann, 1948.
Frankau, Pamela. Slaves of the Lamp. Heinemann; Random House, 1965.
Frankau, Pamela. Tassel-Gentle. John Lane, 1934.
Frankau, Pamela. The Bridge. Heinemann; Harper, 1957.
Frankau, Pamela. The Devil We Know. Heinemann; Dutton, 1939.
Frankau, Pamela. The Offshore Light. Heinemann, 1952.
Frankau, Pamela. The Willow Cabin. Heinemann; Harcourt, Brace, 1949.