Princess Charlotte Augusta

Standard Name: Charlotte Augusta, Princess
Used Form: Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales
Used Form: Princess Charlotte


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Occupation Ellis Cornelia Knight
At the request of the Prince Regent (later George IV ), and the urgings of the princesses Mary , Elizabeth , and Sophia , ECK agreed to serve as one of the lady companions to...
politics Ellis Cornelia Knight
ECK 's desire that the princess (eventual heir to the throne) should learn to think for herself, allied her with the hope of the nation (perhaps especially strong among women) that the princess would prove...
Publishing Lady Charlotte Bury
Her full title was Diary illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth, interspersed with original letters from the late Queen Caroline, and from various other distinguished persons. This time (though the book...
Publishing Harriet Downing
A sentimental frontispiece features five putti disporting themselves in the clouds. Since the poem later refers to these as the youthful Muses who inspire,
Downing, Harriet. Mary; or, Female Friendship. James Harper, 1816.
it seems that they represent HD 's children. Downing dedicated...
Publishing Susanna Watts
SW , like many other writers, published an Elegy on the Death of the Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales; it appeared from I. Cockshaw, Jr. , of Leicester.
Behrendt, Stephen C. Royal Mourning and Regency Culture: Elegies and Memorials of Princess Charlotte. Macmillan, 1997.
130, 247n8
Publishing Ellis Cornelia Knight
This work was edited by Sir John William Kaye , who had acquired ECK 's papers, comprised of journals and an unfinished autobiography, from Lady Egerton , to whom Knight had bequeathed them.
Charlotte, Lady...
Publishing Felicia Hemans
FH published her Stanzas on the National Calamity, the Death of the Princess Charlotte in Blackwood's Magazine.
Hemans, Felicia. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Letters, Reception Materials, edited by Susan J. Wolfson, Princeton University Press, 2000, p. xiii - xxix; various pages.
Hemans, Felicia. “Introduction”. Records of Woman, edited by Paula R. Feldman, University Press of Kentucky, 1999, p. xi - xxxiii.
Publishing Isabella Lickbarrow
Four years after her former volume, IL published at Liverpool a book containing two long poems: A Lament upon The Death of Her Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte ; and, Alfred, A Vision.
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Regina Maria Roche
RMR dedicated this work to Major-General Sir Adam Williamson , a career soldier who had very recently returned to England after a spell as governor-general of Jamaica.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 691
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Williamson
Writing it just after...
Reception Anna Maria Porter
This novel was the last book that Princess Charlotte was reading aloud with her husband before her untimely death in childbirth in November 1817. Prince Leopold preserved the copy, with the page turned down where...
Reception Jane Austen
Sixteen-year-old Princess Charlotte wrote, Maryanne & me are very alike in disposition, that certainly I am not so good, the same imprudence, &c however remain very like.
qtd. in
Tomalin, Claire. Jane Austen: A Life. Penguin Viking, 1997.
Textual Production Ellis Cornelia Knight
The Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight , Lady Companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales . With Extracts From Her Journals and Anecdote Books was published posthumously in two volumes.
Fulford, Roger, and Ellis Cornelia Knight. “Introduction”. The Autobiography of Miss Knight, William Kimber, 1960.
introduction, 16
Sharpe’s London Magazine. T. B. Sharpe; Virtue, Hall, and Virtue, 1-15.
(December 1861): 333
Textual Production Margaret Croker
MC published, with her name, A Monody on the Lamented Death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte -Augusta of Wales and of Saxe Cobourg Saalfield.
Croker, Margaret. A Monody on the Lamented Death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte-Augusta of Wales and of Saxe Cobourg Saalfield. Edmund Lloyd; J. Booth, 1817.
Textual Production Jean Plaidy
The first-named is George I 's rejected queen (accused of adultery and imprisoned for life before her husband came to the English throne, while her alleged lover was assassinated). The protagonist of the second novel...
Textual Production L. E. L.
In the same year, 1833, LEL published in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book a poem entitled The Princess Charlotte. This sets its evocation of the terrible national blow of the princess's death, on 6...


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