Angela Carter

Standard Name: Carter, Angela
Birth Name: Angela Olive Stalker
Married Name: Angela Olive Carter
AC was a prolific writer in many genres throughout the later twentieth century. Best known for her novels and short stories, she also wrote plays (for radio, screen and stage), poetry, children's stories, journal articles, an opera libretto, and a critical work on the Marquis de Sade (as well as on pornography and women's relation to it). A translator of Charles Perrault 's fairy tales, she edited several fairy-tale collections, and an anthology of women's tales. Her name is prominent in critical discussion of various recent modes of fiction: magic realist, gothic, and feminist.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Margaret Atwood
This book famously began in the form of a serial entitled Positron, published online with Byliner . As a volume it is dedicated to Marian Engel , Angela Carter , and Judy Merril ,...
Family and Intimate relationships Charles Baudelaire
In 1842 he began a relationship with the mixed-race actress Jeanne Duval (who a century and a half later was transformed into the narrator of Angela Carter 's title story in her Black Venus...
Friends, Associates Elaine Feinstein
While she was teaching at Essex, EF met a number of poets, including Ed Dorn , who fed her interest in American poetry. She was also involved during these years with a group including Tom Pickard
Instructor Anne Enright
Most significant among those who taught her were Angela Carter and Malcolm Bradbury , especially the former: she had applied for this course on the strength of her reading of Carter 's The Bloody Chamber...
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Waters
SW puts in puts in something like a regular work day when writing, but keeps going to all hours when re-writing. Despite her success, she still finds the process largely torture. And yet [s]tarting...
Intertextuality and Influence Doris Lessing
Angela Carter said that DL 's stories of the 1950s shaped the way I, for one, perceived the world.
qtd. in
Lessing, Doris. Collected African Stories. Flamingo, 1994.
Intertextuality and Influence Naomi Mitchison
This book takes another sombre look at the national and international political situation. In the title story the three little pigs are cowering in their brick house, still afraid, while the fourth imagines the agony...
Intertextuality and Influence Pat Barker
She produced three sensitive and polite
qtd. in
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
novels (which have never been published), set among the middle class to which she now belonged. Then she attended a creative writing course in which novelist Angela Carter read...
Intertextuality and Influence Ali Smith
The book's narrator is an unnamed, ungendered arborist in mourning for his or her unnamed, ungendered partner, a literary academic whose spectre lingers about the book both figuratively, in the form of unfinished lectures, and...
Intertextuality and Influence Rosalind Coward
With essays under such titles as Ideal Homes, Kissing, Naughty but Nice: Food Pornography, and Men's Bodies, Female Desire interrogates the matter-of-fact details and events of everyday life, revealing the complex...
Literary responses Christina Stead
One outspoken admirer of CS was Angela Carter , who likened the experience of reading her to plunging into the mess of life itself'.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
She strongly recommended Stead's work for re-issuing in the Virago Modern...
Literary responses Leonora Carrington
Its publisher notes Angela Carter 's praise for LC 's writing: Her work bristles with a fierce, unconventional brand of feminism; anger gives it its final edge of irony and power
“The Complete Stories, Leonora Carrington”. Dorothy, A Publishing Project, Apr. 2017.
Literary responses Michèle Roberts
MR is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (elected in 1999) and a Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (awarded in 2000).
British Council Film and Literature Department, in association with Book Trust. Contemporary Writers in the UK.
“Professor Michele Roberts”. University of East Anglia.
In 2009 Susanne Gruss published a monograph entitled The...
Literary responses Elizabeth Jolley
Angela Carter , reviewing Foxybaby for the New York Review of Books, described its characters as lonely, loony, unhappy, existentially deranged, and praised EJ 's ability to combine profound feeling with low farce, high...
Literary responses Jackie Kay
Anne Enright in a review of this collection for the Guardian was typical in her warmth of appreciation. Kay, she said, gives hugely of her talent; pours it on to the page. She often sets...


1 January 1916: The British edition of Vogue (an American...

Building item

1 January 1916

The British edition of Vogue (an American fashion magazine) began publishing from Condé Nast in Hanover Square, London.
Winship, Janice. Inside Women’s Magazines. Pandora, 1987.
White, Cynthia L. Women’s Magazines 1693-1968. Michael Joseph, 1970.
British Library Catalogue.
Spawls, Alice. “Does one flare or cling?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 9, 5 May 2016, pp. 40-2.

By early November 1973: Experimental novelist B. S. Johnson prefaced...

Writing climate item

By early November 1973

Experimental novelist B. S. Johnson prefaced his short-story volume Aren't You Rather Young To Be Writing Your Memoirs? with a polemical critique listing only sixteen serious contemporary British writers.
Gordon, Giles. “Reading Ann Quin’s Berg”. Context: A Forum for Literary Arts and Culture, 2001.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
3740 (9 November 1973): 1361

May 1978: Virago Press issued its first Virago Modern...

Women writers item

May 1978

Virago Press issued its first Virago Modern Classics, a historically important series most though not all of which were novels.
Callil, Carmen. “The stories of our lives”. Guardian Unlimited, 26 Apr. 2008.

By mid-October 1983: Ursula Owen, editor of Virago Press, published...

Women writers item

By mid-October 1983

Ursula Owen , editor of Virago Press , published with them an anthology of essays: Fathers: Reflections by Daughters.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Dated from the Bodleian Library acquisition stamp.

8 May 2008: Virago Press marked thirty years of Virago...

Women writers item

8 May 2008

Virago Press marked thirty years of Virago Modern Classics by re-issuing works by Barbara Pym , E. M. Delafield , Elizabeth Taylor , Jacqueline Susann , Muriel Spark , Helene Hanff , Zora Neale Hurston , and Angela Carter .
Callil, Carmen. “The stories of our lives”. Guardian Unlimited, 26 Apr. 2008.


Carter, Angela. American Ghosts and Old World Wonders. Chatto and Windus, 1993.
Carter, Angela. Black Venus. Chatto and Windus, 1985.
Carter, Angela, and Philip Sutton. Black Venus’s Tale. Faber and Faber, 1980.
Carter, Angela, and Salman Rushdie. Burning Your Boats: The Collected Angela Carter: Stories. Chatto and Windus, 1995.
Carter, Angela. Expletives Deleted. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1992.
Carter, Angela. Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces. Quartet Books, 1974.
Carter, Angela. Five Quiet Shouters: An Anthology of Assertive Verse. Editor Tebb, Barry, Poet & Printer.
Carter, Angela. Heroes and Villains. 1st ed., Heinemann, 1969.
Warner, Marina. “Introduction”. The Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales, edited by Angela Carter, Virago, 1993, p. ix - xvii.
Carter, Angela. Love. Hart-Davis, 1971.
Carter, Angela, and Martin Leman. Martin Leman’s Comic and Curious Cats. 1st ed., Gollancz, 1979.
Carter, Angela. “Mise-en-Scène for a Parricide”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 16, pp. 21-4.
Carter, Angela, and Eros Keith. Miss Z. The Dark Young Lady. 1st ed., Heinemann, 1970.
Carter, Angela, and Justin Todd. Moonshadow. 1st ed., Gollancz, 1982.
Carter, Angela. Nights at the Circus. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1984.
Carter, Angela. “Notes from the Front Line”. On Gender and Writing, edited by Michelene Wandor, Pandora Press, 1983, pp. 69-77.
Carter, Angela. Nothing Sacred. 1st ed., Virago, 1982.
Carter, Angela. Several Perceptions. 1st ed., Heinemann, 1968.
Carter, Angela. Shadow Dance. 1st ed., Heinemann, 1966.
Carter, Angela. Shaking a Leg: Journalism and Writings: Angela Carter. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1997.
Foreman, Michael. Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales. Translator Carter, Angela, Gollancz, 1982.
Carter, Angela. The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. 1st ed., Gollancz, 1979.
Carter, Angela, and Eros Keith. The Donkey Prince. 1st ed., Simon and Schuster, 1970.
Ware, Martin. The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault. Editor Carter, Angela, Gollancz, 1977.
Carter, Angela. The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman. 1st ed., Hart-Davis, 1972.