Lorna Sage

Standard Name: Sage, Lorna


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Michèle Roberts
The title story is dedicated to Lorna Sage , and the volume as a whole to her memory. Various other stories are dedicated to other friends and writers. Some were originally written for radio.
Newman, Jenny. “Michèle Roberts”. Contemporary British and Irish Fiction, edited by Sharon Monteith et al., Arnold, 2004, pp. 119-34.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Fortune
Indeed, her whole motivation at this time is murky: though she apparently had a work-related reason, she may have been escaping from her marriage. Lorna Sage , following Lucy Sussex , suggested that MF was...
Family and Intimate relationships Angela Carter
In Japan AC had a younger lover, Sozo Araki , whom she calls Taro after a fictional character known as Momotaro or Peach Boy, who later had some success as a writer himself.
Turner, Jenny. “A New Kind of Being”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 21, 3 Nov. 2016, pp. 7-14.
Friends, Associates Christine Brooke-Rose
Muriel Spark , a very old friend of CBR ,
Brooke-Rose, Christine. Invisible Author: Last Essays. Ohio State University Press, 2002.
also worked in intelligence during the war. Brooke-Rose later helped her by looking over and correcting French translations of Spark's works. Another early friend...
Friends, Associates Angela Carter
Her literary friends included Lorna Sage and Salman Rushdie , a fellow campaigner against the Falklands War. Through her contributions to the London Review of Books she formed a friendship with Susannah Clapp , an...
Health Angela Carter
AC said that she was a ravaged anorexic during her ludicrously overprotected adolescence.
Carter, Angela. Shaking a Leg: Journalism and Writings: Angela Carter. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus, 1997.
Having been a very fat child, nicknamed Fatty or Tubs (while her mother fed her with treats and took the line...
Health Angela Carter
Carter had not planned to get pregnant but intended to go ahead.
Gamble, Sarah. Angela Carter. A Literary Life. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
In the later stages her blood-pressure rose dangerously. She was insulted and enraged by an ante-natal clinic consultant, a female doctor who...
Literary responses Iris Murdoch
Reviewers were divided in their opinions of the book. Lorna Sage in the Times Literary Supplement praised it as a hilarious mystic farce,
qtd. in
Halio, Jay L., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 14. Gale Research, 1982–1983.
14: 368
while Michiko Kakutani of the New York Times expressed...
Literary responses Angela Carter
Lorna Sage and Linden Peach both considered this book very useful as a context for reading AC 's fiction.
Peach, Linden. Angela Carter. St Martin’s Press, 1998.
Halio, Jay L., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 14. Gale Research, 1982–1983.
14: 212
ForJenny Turner it has the whooshing energy of deep release and satisfaction...
Literary responses Angela Carter
At the very end of her life, AC still felt that she was unrecognised,
Gamble, Sarah. Angela Carter. A Literary Life. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
perhaps because of her uncompromisingly left-wing politics. At the same time it made her rather miserable to think that...
Literary responses Maureen Duffy
Lorna Sage wrote that the trilogy made MDthe city's self-appointed laureate.
qtd. in
Platt, Edward. “25 Years fighting for writers’ rights”. ALCS News, No. 21, July 2002, pp. 4-5.
In 2004 Marina Warner , re-reading this book, paid tribute to MD because we all owe her: she inaugurated some of the...
Literary responses Maureen Duffy
Reviewer Lorna Sage saw the book as an example of bricolage, with an underlying mysticism complicating the matter-of-fact world of daily life.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.
Literary responses Elaine Feinstein
Lorna Sage in the Times Literary Supplement used the word obsessed about Feinstein's interest in the persistence of the past in her characters' lives. . . . The last war, the holocaust, the webs of...
Literary responses E. Owens Blackburne
In the same preface EOB promises to include some previously unpublished poems by William Wordsworth , apparently in connection with the Ladies of Llangollen. Between the publication of the two volumes, however, Wordsworth's son forbade...
Literary responses Marina Warner
Reviews, including those by Lorna Sage in the Times Literary Supplement, Ann Cornelisen in the New York Times Book Review, and Michiko Kakutani in the New York Times, were generally positive. They...


By April 1976: Ellen Moers published at New York a pioneering...

Writing climate item

By April 1976

Ellen Moers published at New York a pioneering work of literary criticism entitled Literary Women.
Coffey, Marilyn et al. “April 1976 Newsletter”. New York Woman’s Literary Salon, Apr. 1976.

7 September 2000: Lorna Sage published Bad Blood. A Memoir,...

Women writers item

7 September 2000

Lorna Sage published Bad Blood. A Memoir, a remarkable, no-holds-barred account of her grandparents' dysfunctional marriage and her own growing up until her pregnancy at sixteen.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop. http://Bookshop.Blackwell.co.uk.

December 2001: Women writers for the first time outnumbered...

Women writers item

December 2001

Women writers for the first time outnumbered men in the Guardian newspaper's annual listing of the fastest-selling paperbacks in Britain.
Gibbons, Fiachra. “Women lead the way in ’hottest’ books list”. The Guardian, 29 Dec. 2001, p. 5.


Sage, Lorna. Angela Carter. Northcote House, 1994.
Sage, Lorna. “Doris Lessing obituary”. theguardian.com.
Trefusis, Violet, and Lorna Sage. Hunt the Slipper. Virago, 1983.
Sage, Lorna, and Violet Trefusis. “Introduction”. Hunt the Slipper, Virago, 1983, p. v - xiv.
Sage, Lorna. “Review of Textermination by Christine Brooke-Rose”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4622, p. 20.
Sage, Lorna, editor. The Cambridge Guide to Women’s Writing in English. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Sage, Lorna, editor. The Flesh and the Mirror: Essays on the Art of Angela Carter. Virago, 1994.
Sage, Lorna. “The Old Girl Network”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3940, p. 1102.