Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Maureen Duffy
Standard Name: Duffy, Maureen
Birth Name: Maureen Patricia Duffy
Pseudonym: D. M. Cayer
is known primarily a novelist, in which capacity much of her work blends elements from history, biography, autobiography, or science fiction. She has also produced plays, poems, and scholarly works. By the early twenty-first century her output was said to total twenty-eight prose works (fiction and non-fiction), poetry collections, and plays.
Platt, Edward. “25 Years fighting for writers’ rights”. ALCS News, No. 21, July 2002, pp. 4-5.
writes often of primal bonds, of love and sexual desire, of the disadvantaged and marginalised, of gender identity and gender politics.
Maurice Collis
, biographer of her and her cousin Edith Somerville, believes that MR
was bisexual in orientation, rather than a thorough lesbian like Edith.
Collis, Maurice. Somerville and Ross: A Biography. Faber and Faber, 1968.
Her relationship with her cousin was written about in...
Lettice Cooper
Lettice Cooper
dedicated her novel Snow and Roses to her fellow-campaigners for public lending right, Brigid Brophy
and Maureen Duffy
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Family and Intimate relationships
Brigid Brophy
fell in love with her fellow novelist Maureen Duffy
in summer 1967. The early stages of this affair caused emotional pain because Duffy, still living with her former partner. The relationship developed from passion...
Family and Intimate relationships
Edith Somerville
Some commentators have argued that theirs was a lesbian, sexual relationship, and some that it was not. It was the subject of the radio play One Goodnight by Maureen Duffy
, broadcast by the BBC
Charlotte Charke
The Gentleman's Magazine devoted more space to CC
's book this year than to any other new work, though these included Johnson
's Dictionary and Voltaire
's History and State of Europe.
Baruth, Philip E. “Who Is Charlotte Charke?”. Introducing Charlotte Charke: Actress, Author, Enigma, edited by Philip E. Baruth, University of Illinois Press, 1998, pp. 9-62.
Mary Sidney Herbert Countess of Pembroke
When most women writers of her age were forgotten, the Countess of Pembroke retained a niche in literary history as a partner in the Sidneian psalms as well as the dedicatee of the Arcadia....
Friends, Associates
Brigid Brophy
, with Maureen Duffy
, organised a Prop Art Exhibition in London.
Who’s Who. Adam and Charles Black, 1849–2025, Annual Volumes.
Brigid Brophy
had a dark experience which she mentioned in print but did not full explain: a closest ally (preumably Maureen Duffy
, with whom she had just broken up) became her assailant; she felt...
Intertextuality and Influence
Rose Tremain
acknowledges the help of her fellow novelist Maureen Duffy
with a poem which passes through the head of one of her characters. It opens: Love was my dancing partner till / darkness fell in...
Literary responses
Lettice Cooper
's friend and fellow-novelist Maureen Duffy
praised this book for emotional clarity and political and psychological insight.
qtd. in
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Ann Jellicoe
had a long-standing professional relationship with the Royal Court Theatre
. Around the time her play The Sport of My Mad Mother was performed at the Court, she became involved in the newly formed...
Brigid Brophy
became notorious for her politics in the sixties, an era of iconoclastic activity. She was a vegetarian, a sexual liberationist, an animal rights activist, a feminist, a writers' rights activist, a pro-pornography activist (she...
Lettice Cooper
She also participated in the campaign for authors' public lending right, having been a founder-member with Brigid Brophy
, Maureen Duffy
, and others, of Writers' Action Group
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Beryl Bainbridge
The manuscript of this book had been firmly dismissed, with negative comment on the imagery, diction, and spelling, in 1964 by BB
's then agent.
's novel The Red Queen (not the only work to bear this title) appeared in the same month that another novelist, Maureen Duffy
, also published a book about a present-day woman encountering a...
1948: This year almost 23,000 people died of tuberculosis...
Building item
This year almost 23,000 people died of tuberculosis in Britain; of the further 27,000 who died of bronchitis, 20,000 of pneumonia, and 7,000 of other respiratory infections, many no doubt had TB too.
Duffy, Maureen. That’s How It Was. Virago, 1983.
By 1975: The popularity of autobiographies and novels...
Writing climate item
By 1975
The popularity of autobiographies and novels like Maxine Hong Kingston
's Woman Warrior and Rita Mae Brown
's Rubyfruit Jungle had opened a large and growing reading market for coming-of-age works by women writers from...
23 April 1975: A major demonstration was held in Belgrave...
Writing climate item
23 April 1975
A major demonstration was held in Belgrave Square, London, in support of Public Lending Right.
Fraser, Antonia. Must You Go?. Random House of Canada, 2010.
August 1979: During the annual conference at Brighton...
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association. http://www.galha.org/index.html.
14 October 2010: Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture in the coalition...
Writing climate item
14 October 2010
Ed Vaizey
, Minister for Culture in the coalition British parliament, divulged to the Society of Authors
his government's intention to close the Public Lending Right body and transfer its functions (distributing payments to writers...
Rea, Dominico. A Blush of Shame. Translator Duffy, Maureen, Barrie and Rockliff, 1963.
Duffy, Maureen. “A Nightingale in Bloomsbury Square”. Factions, edited by Giles Gordon and Alex Hamilton, Michael Joseph, 1974, pp. 169-04.