Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Delarivier Manley
Standard Name: Manley, Delarivier
Birth Name: Delarivier Manley
Married Name: Delarivier Manley
Nickname: Dela
Indexed Name: Mary de la Riviere Manley
Indexed Name: Mary Delarivier Manley
Pseudonym: Melpomene
Pseudonym: Thalia
Pseudonym: Delia
Pseudonym: The Translator of the New Atalantis
Pseudonym: Rivella
Used Form: Delarivière Manley
was a pioneer in many fields: poetry, drama, journalism, and fiction, and the genres with which the fiction of her period interlocked: letters, soft pornography, satire, secret history, romance autobiography, and political polemic. She was proud of being first in the field on the Tory side during the pamphlet wars of Queen Anne's reign. As critic Paula McDowell
remarks, her writing identity was shaped by the new concept of print culture as an industry, an employer of labour.
McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Clarendon, 1998.
was in correspondence with Catharine Trotter
from at least 1697 to 1709 (the year after Trotter's marriage). The relationship was warm: when Trotter, now Cockburn, was married and expecting her first child, Piers hoped...
This book builds on the writing of Delarivier Manley
in the mixed genre of scandal novel or allegorised political satire. Prominent among its many targets is EH
's fellow-writer (and fellow associate with Aaron Hill
Intertextuality and Influence
Susan Smythies
The novel offers in passing an amusing catalogue of an old-fashioned library, whose first items are heroic romances like Ibraham; Cassandra; Cleopatra [by Madeleine de Scudéry
and Gauthier de La Calprenède
]. Several...
Intertextuality and Influence
Penelope Aubin
The Life and Amorous Adventures of Lucinda, PA
's only novel told in the first person, takes place partly at Constantinople in Turkey, where Lucinda is sold as a slave after behaving with...
Intertextuality and Influence
Eliza Haywood
's socio-political allegory stands virtually alone in her oeuvre in its attempt to reproduce the political instrumentality of Manley
's scandal fiction during the reign of Anne.
Ballaster, Ros. Seductive Forms. Women’s Amatory Fiction from 1684 to 1740. Clarendon Press, 1992.
This tale is not continuous, but distributed in sections throughout the book. The romance couples make periodic contact with the Countess Brillante, a woman writer about whom Herbert's attitude is typically protean and hard to...
Intertextuality and Influence
Charlotte Lennox
The novel's opening is an early example of a technique which was to remain popular with authors for generations: About the middle of July 17 — . . . , where the precise day and...
Intertextuality and Influence
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Docile her longest work of prose fiction, is also autobiographical in its scarifying yet comic account of the naive and idealistic Docile's repeated victimisation. Endowed with perfect docility as a fairy gift, educated first by...
Intertextuality and Influence
Laetitia Pilkington
was vividly aware of the literary handicap represented by her gender. But she was choosy about claiming influence. She decried Manley
, Haywood
, and Mary Barber
(whose poems, she says, would have been...
Intertextuality and Influence
Lady Charlotte Bury
Sydney Morgan
remarked with gusto: The murder is out!
qtd. in
Morgan, Sydney Owenson, Lady. Lady Morgan’s Memoirs. Editors Dixon, William Hepworth and Geraldine Jewsbury, AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
2: 431
She maintained that never since Delarivier Manley
's New Atalantis of 1709 (which probably few but herself had heard of by this date) had...
Leisure and Society
Elizabeth Freke
owned more than a hundred books: well known religious texts, a famous French romance (Gauthier de la Calprenède
's Cassandra, English translation 1652), the publications of her sister, Frances Norton
and her...
Literary responses
Sarah Chapone
's friend and printer Richardson
saw her project in a different and far more simple light than she did: as the administering by a good woman of an antidote to the Poison shed by...
Literary responses
Mary Astell
The Tatler fastens on Astell's age, her virginity, and her assumed incompetence in practical or worldly matters. A further attack followed on 3 September, which linked her name with those of Elstob
and Manley
Literary responses
Elizabeth Boyd
Heather Harper
acknowledges that this is a conservative text, in that it lacks the drive of Delarivier Manley
, for instance, to lambast the vices of high life. She notes, however, that Boyd celebrates secularised...
No timeline events available.
Manley, Delarivier. The Novels of Mary Delarivière Manley. Editor Köster, Patricia, Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1971, 2 vols., http://HSS.
Manley, Delarivier. The Power of Love. John Barber and John Morphew, 1720.
Manley, Delarivier. The Royal Mischief. R. Bentley, F. Saunders, and J. Knapton, 1696.
Manley, Delarivier. The Secret History of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians. 1705, 2 vols.