American Hospital, Neuilly


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Gertrude Stein
GS died of intestinal cancer at the American Hospital in Neuilly, France.
Souhami, Diana. Gertrude and Alice. Pandora Press, 1991.
Hobhouse, Janet. Everybody Who was Anybody: A Biography of Gertrude Stein. Doubleday, 1975.
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Trefusis
VT 's husband Denys died from tuberculosis at the American Hospital at Neuilly.
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
Health Carson McCullers
CMC suffered two successive serious strokes while living in Paris. She lost her vision in her right eye and was paralysed on her left side. She was treated at the American Hospital in Paris


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