Sarah Churchill Duchess of Marlborough

Standard Name: Marlborough, Sarah Churchill,,, Duchess of
Used Form: Queen Zarah
Used Form: Sarah Jennings, (later Duchess of Marlborough)


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features Elizabeth Burnet
Depending on her correspondent, EB writes like a scholar, an author, and a political lobbyist. To Trumbull, a moderate Tory , she paints the extremists in his party as a company of unjust & extravagant...
Textual Features Delarivier Manley
Queen Zarah purports to be translated, not from French but from Italian. In it England is Albigion. The critical preface is in fact a translation of part of Morvan de Bellegarde 's Lettres curieuses...
Textual Features Delarivier Manley
The New Atalantis is crammed with offensive personal attacks on individuals (women as well as men); most though not all of them pertain to the misuse of political or sexual power. Particularly notorious is the...
Textual Features Frances Brooke
Brooke's advertisement to volume 3 says she gave up her plan for an essay on the writing of history, and settled instead on using notes to demonstrate how this work is, as all history ought...
Textual Production Delarivier Manley
The anonymous Secret History of Queen Zarah , and the Zarazians; being a Looking-Glass for —— In the Kingdom of Albigion may possibly be DM 's first political scandal fiction—or it might not be hers at all.
Manley, Delarivier. “Editorial Materials”. A Woman of No Character: An Autobiography of Mrs Manley, edited by Fidelis Morgan, Faber, 1986, p. various pages.
Textual Production Delarivier Manley
The secret history Queen Zarah, possibly by DM , was reprinted to cash in on the notoriety both of the New Atalantis and of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough . It was advertised in the...
Textual Production Mary Countess Cowper
MCC and her husband exchanged affectionate letters from before their marriage. Some years before George I succeeded to the English throne she established contact with his chief minister, Baron Bernstorff , by letter.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Her correspondence...
Textual Production Mary Countess Cowper
Her husband had also kept a political diary for some years.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under William, first Earl Cowper
She began hers after her appointment on 24 October, though the first event she describes is the Coronation on...
Textual Production Catharine Trotter
She had been working on it for two years, and saw it as an attempt to reform the stage.
Clark, Constance. Three Augustan Women Playwrights. Peter Lang, 1986.
49, 61
Congreve sent her detailed suggestions for revision, which sought to improve not her literary...
Textual Production Elizabeth Boyd
The bride, grand-daughter of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough , brought immense wealth with her; the groom became Duke of Bedford within a couple of years.
Cokayne, George Edward. The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant. Editor Gibbs, Vicary, St Catherine Press, 1910–1959, 14 vols.
Textual Production Jean Plaidy
The other novels in the series are The Three Crowns (1965), about William of Orange ; The Haunted Sisters (1966), about Mary , who marries William and reigns jointly with him in England, and Anne
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Elizabeth Boyd
EB 's preface alludes to Steele'sTatler, and calls the slow, sure Snail . . . the well-meant, altho' weak Attempt of a mere Woman.
Boyd, Elizabeth. The Snail. 1745.
After an introductory poem, her basic unit for...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Elizabeth Jenkins
The ten women here share varying degrees and varying combinations of sexual, political, or literary notoriety. Two of them—Elizabeth Inchbald and Lady Blessington —hold the status of professional authors. Two more—Becky Wells (whom...
Wealth and Poverty Charlotte Lennox
CL , not her husband, seems to have been always the family bread-winner, and she was always struggling with poverty. The Duchess of Newcastle (a grand-daughter of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough ) helped her with...
Wealth and Poverty Catharine Trotter
Both Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough , and Gilbert Burnet were concerned in the payment of CT 's mother's pension, restored under Queen Anne .
Kelley, Anne. Catharine Trotter: An Early Modern Writer in the Vanguard of Feminism. Ashgate, 2002.


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