King George I

Standard Name: George I, King


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation William Law
He became a Church of England clergyman, but after the accession of George I he refused to take the oath of allegiance (since he was a Jacobite). This made him a Nonjuror, ineligible for positions...
Family and Intimate relationships Clara Reeve
CR 's mother (born Hannah Smithies) was the daughter of a London goldsmith who was a jeweller to George I . Clara lived with her mother for most of her life.
Trainer, James, and Clara Reeve. “Introduction”. The Old English Baron, Oxford University Press, 1977.
Family and Intimate relationships Philip Dormer Stanhope fourth Earl of Chesterfield
Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield , made an ambitious marriage: to Petronilla Melusina von der Schulenburg , illegitimate daughter of George I .
Cokayne, George Edward. The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant. Editor Gibbs, Vicary, St Catherine Press, 1910–1959, 14 vols.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Delany
Her uncle George Granville, Lord Lansdowne , was a statesman under Queen Anne , a distinguished amateur poet, and a friend of Alexander Pope . To MD 's parents Lansdowne was the head of the...
Family and Intimate relationships Catharine Trotter
He was a curate, until he refused to take the oath of loyalty to George I on his accession.
Wilson, Adrian. “The Politics of Medical Improvement in Early Hanoverian London”. The Medical Enlightenment of the Eighteenth Century, edited by Andrew Cunningham and Roger French, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 4-39.
He was then reduced to working as a Latin teacher until eleven years later he...
Health Mary Lamb
Another followed an upsetting review of Charles's Specimens in the Quarterly in February 1812, another on her completing her own On Needle-Work in December 1814-February 1815, and another, unusually, only six months later.
Burton, Sarah. A Double Life: A Biography of Charles and Mary Lamb. Viking, 2003.
265-6, 276-83
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Countess Cowper
This document succeeded in its aim: George I favoured the Whigs throughout his reign, although his naturally autocratic tendencies might well have inclined him more towards the Tories.
Occupation Sir Richard Steele
He had already been an army officer, a court official, the holder of a civil service post, and a member of parliament. He was knighted by George I in 1715.
Occupation Mary Countess Cowper
In the distribution of favours that marked King George 's accession, MCC was appointed a Lady of the Bedchamber to his daughter-in-law Caroline of Anspach , now Princess of Wales.
Cowper, Mary, Countess. Diary. Editor Cowper, Charles Spencer, John Murray, 1864.
politics Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
WMCN had little hope she could secure a pardon for a Catholic rebel, but nevertheless she tried. She drummed up support, appeared regularly in the gallery at the House of Lords , organized a petition...
politics Mary Countess Cowper
MCC supported the Whig party, in which her husband, Lord Cowper, was a leading player.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under William, first Earl Cowper
He resigned as Lord Chancellor on 23 September 1710 when the Tories came to...
politics Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
LMWM spent an exciting time in London as a member of the Whig elite now in power under George I .
Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Clarendon, 1999.
82ff, 117
politics Mary Caesar
Gyllenborg had spent most of the summer of 1716 staying with Charles and Mary Caesar at Benington. He and Charles Caesar were both arrested early in 1717, and Caesar once again incarcerated in the...
Author summary Mary Countess Cowper
Most of MCC 's extant writings were produced with some immediate political purpose. Even her loving letters to her husband are attentive to the state of the nation and to his career within it. Other...
Author summary Sarah Lady Piers
Sarah, Lady Piers, authored five known poems between 1698 and 1714. They include verses prefixed to another's work, an elegy, and two occasional celebrations: one of some admirable ladies and one a Whiggish poem celebrating...


28 December 1694: The twelve-year-old marriage between the...

National or international item

28 December 1694

The twelve-year-old marriage between the future George I and Sophia Dorothea of Celle was dissolved; Sophia Dorothea's lover had already been killed, probably without her husband's knowledge.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under George I

June 1714: Sophia of Brunswick, Electress of Hanover,...

National or international item

June 1714

Sophia of Brunswick , Electress of Hanover, died two months before her cousin Queen Anne .
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

1 August 1714: Queen Anne died and messengers left for Hanover...

National or international item

1 August 1714

Queen Anne died and messengers left for Hanover to inform George I that he had assumed the throne.
Cook, Chris, and John, 1946 - Stevenson. The Longman Handbook of Modern British History, 1714-1980. Longman, 1983.
2, 44
Fryde, Edmund Boleslaw. Handbook of British Chronology. Editors Greenway, D. E. et al., 3rd ed., Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1986.

18 September 1714: George I landed in England to claim the ...

National or international item

18 September 1714

George I landed in England to claim the throne.
Colley, Linda. Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707-1837. Yale University Press, 1992.

1715: The theatre censorship system which had been...

Building item


The theatre censorship system which had been in place since the 1690s died out when Drury Lane under Richard Steele ceased sending playscripts to Killigrew .
Hume, Robert D. “Jeremy Collier and the Future of the London Theatre in 1698”. British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS) Conference, Oxford, 3 Jan. 1998.

February 1715: The first elections of George I's reign returned...

National or international item

February 1715

The first elections of George I 's reign returned a sizeable Whig majority to the parliament summoned for 17 March.
Sedgwick, Romney. The House of Commons, 1715-1754. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1970.
1: 126, 132

April 1717: The Prince of Wales critically antagonized...

National or international item

April 1717

The Prince of Wales critically antagonized his father, George I , by arrogating too much power to himself.
Sedgwick, Romney. The House of Commons, 1715-1754. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1970.
1: 26, 29

23 April 1723: The Prince of Wales was formally reconciled...

National or international item

23 April 1723

The Prince of Wales was formally reconciled with his father, George I .
Sedgwick, Romney. The House of Commons, 1715-1754. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1970.
1: 26, 2

11 June 1727: King George I died and George II assumed...

National or international item

11 June 1727

King George I died and George II assumed the throne.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.
Fryde, Edmund Boleslaw. Handbook of British Chronology. Editors Greenway, D. E. et al., 3rd ed., Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1986.


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