Catherine of Braganza Queen of England

Standard Name: Catherine of Braganza,, Queen of England
Used Form: Catherine Queen Dowager


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Elizabeth Delaval
At not yet fourteen, Lady Elizabeth Livingston (later Delaval) , was appointed one of the maids of the privy chamber to Charles II 's newly-married wife, Catherine of Braganza .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Penelope Aubin
Living in Hammersmith, she and her mother were close neighbours of the queen dowager, Catherine of Braganza , and of a convent and girls' school run by the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the...
Literary Setting Jean Plaidy
The second novel, depicting the years of Charles's reign from the Restoration of 1660 to the Popish Plot of October 1678, concentrates on private affairs, and among those it concentrates on the struggle for power...
Occupation Elizabeth Delaval
Lady Elizabeth Delaval , who as a girl had been an attendant on Catherine of Braganza , applied unsuccessfully to be appointed to wait on Mary, Princess of Orange , the recently-married daughter of the future James II.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Aphra Behn
The end of Charles II 's reign in 1685 drew from AB three poems of political commentary: A Pindarick on the Death of Our Late Sovereign (the only one by a woman among dozens of...
Travel Ann Lady Fanshawe
Abroad again—Paris, then Flanders (now the Netherlands)—in 1659-1660, they accompanied Charles II on his triumphal return to his kingdom, Sir Richard actually in the king's ship. He was then sent on his...
Travel Elizabeth Strickland
ES had no reluctance, however, about accompanying Agnes on research trips. The two sisters set out on 3 April 1844, by way of Le Havre and Rouen to visit places around Paris associated with Henrietta Maria
Travel Agnes Strickland
They found plenty to criticise as well as to admire in France. On the track of three Stuart consorts, Henrietta Maria , Catherine of Braganza , and Mary of Modena , they visited Paris and...


25 September 1660: Samuel Pepys drank his first cup of tee (a...

Building item

25 September 1660

Samuel Pepys drank his first cup of tee [sic] (a China drink), which had been arriving in England via Holland for a few years. (Coffee had been established in England for a decade or so...

21 May 1662: Charles II married Catherine of Braganza...

National or international item

21 May 1662

Charles II married Catherine of Braganza (daughter of the king of Portugal) in two ceremonies: one secret and Catholic, one Anglican.
Bryant, Arthur. King Charles II. Longmans, Green, 1931.
Hill, Bridget. The Republican Virago: The Life and Times of Catharine Macaulay, Historian. Clarendon Press, 1992.
Pagden, Anthony. “Oak in a Flowerpot”. London Review of Books, 14 Nov. 2002, pp. 9-10.

1668: The East India Company acquired Bombay, the...

National or international item


The East India Company acquired Bombay, the present-day Mumbai (which had come to the British crown in 1662 as part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza ).
Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History. 3rd revised, Simon and Schuster, 1991.
Pagden, Anthony. “Oak in a Flowerpot”. London Review of Books, 14 Nov. 2002, pp. 9-10.

1670: Henry Care translated von Nettesheim's De...

Writing climate item


Henry Care translated von Nettesheim 's De Nobilitate et praecellentia foeminei sexus, 1529, as Female Pre-eminence; or, The Dignity and Excellency of that Sex, above the Male; this was the third English translation.
The Origins of Modern Feminism, 1567-1876. Quaritch, 1998.
Catalogue No. 2

March-June 1670: The Sacred Historie, a verse paraphrase of...

Women writers item

March-June 1670

The Sacred Historie, a verse paraphrase of the book of Genesis probably written by Mary Roper , dedicated to Queen Catherine of Braganza , was beautifully transcribed for presentation.
Millman, Jill Seal. “’The Sacred Historie’: Brotherton Library MS Lt q 2, A Royalist Verse Paraphrase of Genesis by a Woman, c. 1670”. Leviathan to Licensing Act (1650-1737): Theatre, Print and their Contexts Conference, Loughborough, 15 Sept. 2004.


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