shared her husband's network of high-level connections in circles of Jacobites
and Jacobite sympathisers. She was a friend of the writers Pope
, Prior
, Swift
, and Mary Barber
, and of the...
Friends, Associates
Elizabeth Elstob
Most important among EE
's scholarly circle were George Hickes
and her brother
. The group of scholars known as the Oxford Saxonists, to their credit, seems to have welcomed her on terms of equality...
Elizabeth Elstob
The duchess was the only child of Edward Harley
(later Lord Oxford), whose manuscript collection EE
had used in her youth. It was Mary Pendarves, later Delany
, who arranged this, as the only post...
Elizabeth Elstob
Left alone in the world and without financial support, Elstob had at first the idea of opening a large, ambitious school in Chelsea, then still outside London.
Perry, Ruth, and George Ballard. “Introduction”. Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, Wayne State University Press, 1985, pp. 12-48.
(Much later in her life she...
Other Life Event
Jane Squire
She lost money on this venture, and in 1722 she brought a lawsuit against twelve men, ranging from ships' captains and an agent who had received her money for investment to members of the powerful...
Elizabeth Thomas
Despite the thirty-pound offer, when ET copied out her poems for this publication (as she explained to Lord Oxford
years later), she was counting only on two guineas from Curll for the copyright, which is...
Textual Production
Constantia Grierson
A political poem in CG
's volume (untitled, about the willingness of the Anglo-Irish gentry to spend any money to get into the purely figurehead Irish Parliament
) also survives in a copy among Lord Oxford
Textual Production
Eliza Haywood
Successive editions (extending to an eighth in 1765) expanded from one to four volumes, tracking the expansion of the original, which contained stories for six days in 1722, but for eighteen days in 1731.
Genieys-Kirk, Séverine. “Eliza Haywoods Translation and Dialogic Reading of Madeleine-Angélique Gomezs Journées amusantes (1722-1731)”. Translators, Interpreters, Mediators, edited by Gillian Dow, Peter Lang, 2007, pp. 37-54.
37 and n1
Textual Production
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Newspapers carried competitive advertisements for the two versions. Extant manuscripts (three known, besides Hervey's scribal copy) suggest that the poem circulated before being printed. It would be tempting but wrong to associate one version with...