International Committee of the Red Cross


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Amabel Williams-Ellis
Throughout the First World War, both before and after her marriage in 1915, Amabel Strachey (later AWE ) was a Red Cross VAD, first at her family home in Surrey (now converted into a military...
Employer Enid Bagnold
EB joined the Red Cross after the First World War began, and became a VAD .
Sebba, Anne. Enid Bagnold: The Authorized Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
47, 50
Employer Gertrude Bell
GB worked for the Red Cross , first at Boulogne in France, then in London, tracing those missing or wounded in action.
Goodman, Susan. Gertrude Bell. Berg, 1985.
Leisure and Society Lady Margaret Sackville
Here, as in Edinburgh, she entered energetically into local literary life. She was the first president (for two terms) of the North Gloucestershire (Cheltenham) Centre of Poetry , and during the second world war...
Material Conditions of Writing E. M. Forster
EMF published Alexandria: A History and A Guide, which drew on his work in that city with the Wounded and Missing Bureau of the Red Cross during the First World War.
Drabble, Margaret, and Jenny Stringer, editors. The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature. Oxford University Press, 1987.
Parker, Peter, editor. A Reader’s Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers. Oxford University Press, 1996.
Kirkpatrick, Brownlee Jean. A Bibliography of E. M. Forster. Clarendon, 1985.
Occupation Agatha Christie
During her husband's wartime absence, AC at first worked for the VAD as a nurse. She also dispensed medicine for the Red Cross . According to Red Cross records, she worked 3,400 hours between October...
Occupation Monica Dickens
Quite early in 1940 (after a spell as a writer and another collecting scrap iron for armaments) MD joined the Red Cross as a VAD (that is, a Voluntary Aid Detachment volunteer nurse), then became...
Occupation Elma Napier
With the onset of World War One, EN engaged in philanthropic work such as sewing pyjamas for the Red Cross and knitting socks and making flannel shirts for the Comforts Fund . In 1915 she...
Occupation Dorothy Whipple
DW signed up during World War One as a nurse with the Red Cross . She proved, however, too emotional to be a success at nursing. Years later she confessed that she had fainted at...
Occupation Evelyn Underhill
However, her renunciation of war did not prevent her from undertaking any humanitarian effort related to war. Biographer Christopher Armstrong notes that in the years leading up to the war, both EU and her husband...
Occupation Katharine Tynan
From Western Ireland KT wrote letters to London newspapers, entreating readers to donate money for beds at the Red Cross hospital being run at Dublin Castle. She successfully raised enough money for new beds...
Occupation May Cannan
Before the war MC qualified herself as a VAD ; she took a number of exams under the auspices of the Red Cross and other organisations, and worked as a hospital volunteer. Before she was...
Occupation Cecily Mackworth
In May 1940 Paris began to fill up with Belgian refugees (who at the end of the month, when Belgium capitulated, became suddenly official enemies of Britain). CM began working (I don't quite remember...
politics Violet Trefusis
VT associated herself with women deeply involved in wartime activities, and specifically (despite her pre-war visit to Mussolini ) with anti-Nazi events. For instance, her former house-guest Hélène Terré worked for the Red Cross in...
politics Storm Jameson
In Prague, Jameson spent time with her longtime friend Jiřina Tůmová and various politicians and bureaucrats, including Edvard Benes or Beněs . Beněs was the former president of Czechoslovakia, whom Jameson came to know at...


24 June 1859: The battle of Solferino was fought: journalist...

National or international item

24 June 1859

The battle of Solferino was fought: journalist Jean Henri Dunant documented the agonies of wounded soldiers left to die on the battlefield, and set out to prevent such suffering for the future.
Waal, Alex de. “Dangers of Discretion”. London Review of Books, 21 Jan. 1999, pp. 27-9.

1862: Jean Henri Dunant published and distributed...

National or international item


Jean Henri Dunant published and distributed A Memory of Solferino, which led to the birth of the Red Cross .
Hutchinson, John F. Champions of Charity: War and the Rise of the Red Cross. Westview Press, 1996.
11, 32
Rothkopf, Carol Zeman. Jean Henri Dunant, Father of the Red Cross. Watts, 1969.
4, 163

22 August 1864: The Geneva Convention adopted the charter...

National or international item

22 August 1864

The Geneva Convention adopted the charter of the International Red Cross .
International Committee of the Red Cross: History of Organization.
Rothkopf, Carol Zeman. Jean Henri Dunant, Father of the Red Cross. Watts, 1969.

22 August 1864: The Geneva Convention adopted the charter...

National or international item

22 August 1864

The Geneva Convention adopted the charter of the International Red Cross .
International Committee of the Red Cross: History of Organization.
Rothkopf, Carol Zeman. Jean Henri Dunant, Father of the Red Cross. Watts, 1969.

1870-1871: With the aid of Clara Barton, the International...

National or international item


With the aid of Clara Barton , the International Committee of the Red Cross set up hospitals during the Franco-Prussian War.
Franck, Irene, and David Brownstone. Women’s World: A Timeline of Women in History. HarperCollins; HarperPerennial, 1995.

By January 1872: Gustave Moynier, an instigator of the Red...

National or international item

By January 1872

Gustave Moynier , an instigator of the Red Cross and the Geneva Convention, decided (reversing his earlier opinion) that an International Criminal Court to try war crimes was desirable.
Waal, Alex de. “Dangers of Discretion”. London Review of Books, 21 Jan. 1999, pp. 27-9.

12 October 1915: Edith Cavell, the now famous English Red...

National or international item

12 October 1915

Edith Cavell , the now famous English Red Cross nurse, was executed by firing squad.
Trager, James. The Women’s Chronology: A Year-by-Year Record, from Prehistory to the Present. Henry Holt, 1994.
Sanders, Michael, and Philip M. Taylor. British Propaganda during the First World War, 1914-18. Macmillan, 1982.
145, 203
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

10 December 1917: The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the...

National or international item

10 December 1917

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the International Red Cross ; they won this prize again in 1944 and 1963.
Schott, Ben. Schott’s Original Miscellany. Bloomsbury, 2002.

April 1936: The League of Nations mounted an investigation...

National or international item

April 1936

The League of Nations mounted an investigation into Italy's alleged use of poison gas in its invasion of Ethiopia (violating the 1925 Geneva Protocol).
Waal, Alex de. “Dangers of Discretion”. London Review of Books, 21 Jan. 1999, pp. 27-9.

1938: An International Red Cross report on Dachau,...

National or international item


An International Red Cross report on Dachau , extraordinarily, praised the camp as well regulated, the regime as severe but not inhumane, and the treatment of the sick as positively kind.
Waal, Alex de. “Dangers of Discretion”. London Review of Books, 21 Jan. 1999, pp. 27-9.

14 October 1942: The International Red Cross decided against...

National or international item

14 October 1942

The International Red Cross decided against publicly announcing its evidence about Nazi death camps.
Waal, Alex de. “Dangers of Discretion”. London Review of Books, 21 Jan. 1999, pp. 27-9.


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