Gloria G. Fromm

Standard Name: Fromm, Gloria G.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Dorothy Richardson
An under-nurse employed to help her mother after DR was born had a habit of deliberately startling the infant; this left Dorothy, it was thought, with lifelong fears and reactions to sudden noises, as well...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Richardson
DR 's father, Charles Richardson , was an only son with a single sister. According to biographer Gloria Fromm , he appeared to have two aims in life: to have a son and to be...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Richardson
Although his ambitions effected significant domestic upheavals early in Dorothy's life, including the tragedy of her mother's suicide, she remained strongly influenced by his idea of a cultured, gentlemanly life, and his autocratic, condescending attitude...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
In June 1923, DR met and began a friendship with Bryher , who went on to provide her with various kinds of support for the rest of her life. Gloria Fromm describes Bryher as a...
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothy Richardson
Gloria Fromm links The Tunnel with Dante 's Divine Comedy, because it is divided into thirty-three chapters (the number of Dante's cantos), and contains similar repeated phrases, such as the inner circle,the outer...
Literary responses Dorothy Richardson
Reviewers made hostile comments that Richardson characterised as shrewishness.
qtd. in
Fromm, Gloria G. Dorothy Richardson: A Biography. University of Illinois Press, 1977.
There were many oversights and faults in their reading. Biographer Gloria Fromm even writes: A wood-louse might indeed have seen more than many of...
Literary responses Dorothy Richardson
Fromm judges that the book's first three chapters successfully render Miriam's thought processes and orchestrate different time periods and locations, but that the last seven chapters seem thin, hurried, incongruous, and more remote than anything...
Literary Setting Dorothy Richardson
Miriam confronts experience directly, and her developing consciousness drives the story. Thus, although the book is written as a third-person narrative, it is about the narrator, and achieves the effect of a first-person narrative. Critic...
Reception Dorothy Richardson
DR 's work was also informed by other less-recognized sources, particularly Henry James 's The Ambassadors, 1903. After reading this, she called James's narrative approach the first completely satisfying way of writing a novel...
Reception Dorothy Richardson
Recognition of the significance and complexity of DR 's oeuvre has risen markedly since the late 1970s. This predominantly feminist shift has been inspired and facilitated by Gloria Fromm 's major biography, released in 1977...
Residence Dorothy Richardson
According to biographer Gloria Fromm , DR felt that the move was undertaken for her mother's health, while her younger sister felt it was for financial reasons. Dorothy resented the move profoundly.
Fromm, Gloria G. Dorothy Richardson: A Biography. University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Textual Features Dorothy Richardson
A number of her Saturday Review pieces were shaped by her experiences in Switzerland and Sussex, including A Sussex Auction, the first to appear.
Fromm, Gloria G. Dorothy Richardson: A Biography. University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Hanscombe, Gillian. The Art of Life: Dorothy Richardson and the Development of Feminist Consciousness. Peter Owen, 1982.
DR scholar Gloria Fromm suggests that these...
Textual Features Dorothy Richardson
Because of these combined approaches, recent critics have called DR 's work a cultural autobiography,
Richardson, Dorothy. “Chronology; Editorial Commentary”. Windows on Modernism: Selected Letters of Dorothy Richardson, edited by Gloria G. Fromm, University of Georgia Press, 1995, p. xxix - xxxiii; various pages.
and a revelation of dimensions of the historical phenomenon of women's experience . . . a form of cultural...
Textual Features Dorothy Richardson
Gloria Fromm calls the text the culminating chapter in the London adventures of its heroine.
Fromm, Gloria G. Dorothy Richardson: A Biography. University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Miriam is now a woman in her early thirties, ready to disentangle herself from various relationships and to leave...
Textual Features Dorothy Richardson
To Gloria Fromm , Richardson was attempting to bring Miriam's journey to the year 1913, when her own novel Pointed Roofs was completed. Though she did not succeed, DR did record Miriam's return to London...


No timeline events available.


Richardson, Dorothy. “Chronology; Editorial Commentary”. Windows on Modernism: Selected Letters of Dorothy Richardson, edited by Gloria G. Fromm, University of Georgia Press, 1995, p. xxix - xxxiii; various pages.
Fromm, Gloria G. Dorothy Richardson: A Biography. University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Richardson, Dorothy. Windows on Modernism: Selected Letters of Dorothy Richardson. Editor Fromm, Gloria G., University of Georgia Press, 1995.