Beatrice Stella Campbell

Standard Name: Campbell, Beatrice Stella
Used Form: Mrs Patrick Campbell
Used Form: Beatrice Stella Tanner Campbell
Birth Name: Beatrice Stella Tanner
Used Form: Mrs Pat


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Constance Smedley
In Birmingham CS had become friendly with Coulson Kernahan , through whom she also met Flora Klickmann . Edgar Pemberton brought her acquainted with theatrical figures she deeply admired: Sir Charles Wyndham , and Mary Moore
Friends, Associates Naomi Jacob
NJ said one of the greatest influences on her after her mother was the actress Gladys ffolliott .
Jacob, Naomi. Me: A Chronicle about Other People. Hutchinson, 1933.
Her friends in the music-hall and the theatre included a roster of distinguished and less distinguished...
Friends, Associates Edith Lyttelton
EL numbered among her close friends the well-known actress Mrs Patrick Campbell , whom she first met in 1890. Campbell performed in several of her plays. In 1912, EL was an intermediary when Bernard Shaw
Friends, Associates Amabel Williams-Ellis
AWE 's friends and associates included Edith Sitwell , whose poems she often published in The Spectator; Storm Jameson , a political mentor
Williams-Ellis, Amabel. All Stracheys Are Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
as well as a creative advisor; Bertrand and Dora Russell
Friends, Associates Hope Mirrlees
Very soon after this, she met and became a protegée of celebrated actress Mrs Patrick Campbell (Beatrice Stella Tanner Campbell ).
Literary responses Naomi Jacob
Despite having been reproved in her youth by no less a person than Christabel Pankhurst for her love of popularity, NJ continued to enjoy opening letters from readers.
Jacob, Naomi. Me: A Chronicle about Other People. Hutchinson, 1933.
Mrs Patrick Campbell , to whom...
Occupation Helen Waddell
Meanwhile, because members of Constable 's were serving in the armed forces, HW went back to work in publishing. She became assistant editor of the Conservative monthly the Nineteenth Century and After (published by Constable)...
Performance of text George Bernard Shaw
Mrs Patrick Campbell 's Company first performed GBS 's history play Caesar and Cleopatra, at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Innes, Christopher, editor. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Innes, Christopher. Modern British Drama, 1890-1990. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Weintraub, Stanley, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 10. Gale Research, 1982.
Performance of text George Bernard Shaw
GBS 's best-known play, Pygmalion, opened at His Majesty's Theatre , Haymarket, London, with Mrs Patrick Campbell as Eliza Doolittle (a part written for her) to Sir Herbert Tree 's Henry Higgins.
Performance of text Edith Lyttelton
St. Ursula's Pilgrimage: A Miracle Play in Five Shewings by EL , was produced by Mrs Patrick Campbell at the Court Theatre in London, with a cast featuring several prominent members of society.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Performance of text Edith Lyttelton
The Macleans of Bairness, a history play by EL about Bonnie Prince Charlie , was produced by Mrs Patrick Campbell at the Criterion Theatre .
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Kaplan, Joel H., and Sheila Stowell. Theatre and Fashion: Oscar Wilde to the Suffragettes. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Publishing Constance Smedley
CS persevered with writing plays, and began studying drama and theatre history. One of her early plays, also performed at the Birmingham School of Art , starred her sister . Another centred on an actress...
Textual Features Constance Smedley
CS eschews dates and does not always elucidate sequence. She vividly describes driving in a suffrage procession to the Albert Hall, sharing a carriage with Mrs Patrick Campbell and her daughter Stella Campbell ...
Textual Features George Paston
A wife plays a trick on her husband by pretending that she mistakes him for a famous romance writer who (she further pretends) is her lover. Her husband, discovering the ruse, turns the tables and...
Textual Features Pam Gems
The play opens in Hollywood, with Mrs Patrick Campbell regaling a new, American generation with her memories. It centres on her relationship with George Bernard Shaw , but her life and career are also...


March 1890: The renowned English actress Mrs Patrick...

Building item

March 1890

The renowned English actress Mrs Patrick Campbell made her first appearance on the London stage in Sheridan Knowles 's The Hunchback.
Hartnoll, Phyllis, editor. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. 4th ed., Oxford University Press, 1983.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.

February 1891: Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded...

Building item

February 1891

Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded the Independent Theatre Society in London to promote literary rather than commercial plays, and the new drama in particular.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
McDonald, Jan. The ’New Drama’ 1900-1914. Grove Press, 1986.

13 March 1895: Arthur Wing Pinero's New Woman play The Notorious...

Writing climate item

13 March 1895

Arthur Wing Pinero 's New Woman play The Notorious Mrs Ebbsmith opened at the Garrick Theatre in London.
Chothia, Jean, editor. The New Woman and Other Emancipated Woman Plays. Oxford University Press, 1998.

May 1912: A group of women singers including Sarah...

Building item

May 1912

A group of women singers including Sarah Bernhardt , Mrs Patrick Campbell , Clara Butt , and Anna Pavlova rallied together for a single performance in aid of the Titanic Disaster Fund at Covent Garden.
Drogheda, Charles Garrett Ponsonby Moore, Earl of et al. The Covent Garden Album: 250 Years of Theatre, Opera, and Ballet. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.


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