Court Theatre


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Intertextuality and Influence George Bernard Shaw
GBS 's Man and Superman, a Nietzsche an romantic comedy, was first publicly presented (without the third act) by the Stage Society at the Court Theatre in London.
Innes, Christopher, editor. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Occupation Florence Farr
FF composed the music and led the chorus for Harley Granville-Barker 's production of Euripides ' Hippolytus, translated by Gilbert Murray and performed at the Court Theatre .
Johnson, Josephine. Florence Farr: Bernard Shaw’s new woman. Colin Smythe, 1975.
Occupation Florence Farr
FF retired temporarily from the stage in 1897, disappointed at not having received the same recognition as other New Woman actresses (Elizabeth Robins , for instance).
Johnson, Josephine. Florence Farr: Bernard Shaw’s new woman. Colin Smythe, 1975.
She returned a few years later to...
Occupation Edith Craig
EC , aged eight, first appeared on stage in a walk-on role for a performance of Olivia at the Court Theatre ; her mother, Ellen Terry , and famous actor Henry Irving played the leads.
Auerbach, Nina. Ellen Terry: Player in Her Time. W.W. Norton, 1987.
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Performance of text W. B. Yeats
Where There Is Nothing, a play by WBY , opened at London's Court Theatre .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Performance of text John Galsworthy
JG 's first play, The Silver Box, a critique of bias favoring the rich in the judicial process, opened at the Court Theatre in London.The play was published in 1910.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Performance of text George Bernard Shaw
John Bull's Other Island, a play about Ireland written by GBS at the request of W. B. Yeats , opened at the Court Theatre in London.
Innes, Christopher, editor. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Performance of text George Bernard Shaw
The Court Theatre presented Major Barbara, a three-act comedy by GBS in which he pits the ethos of the Salvation Army against modern industrialism.
Innes, Christopher, editor. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Weintraub, Stanley, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 10. Gale Research, 1982.
Performance of text George Bernard Shaw
GBS 's medical satire, The Doctor's Dilemma, opened at the Court Theatre in London.
Innes, Christopher, editor. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Weintraub, Stanley, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 10. Gale Research, 1982.
Performance of text George Bernard Shaw
Press Cuttings, a one-act suffrage play by GBS , was first performed at a private reception at the Court Theatre in London.
Innes, Christopher, editor. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Performance of text Elizabeth Baker
EB 's first play, Chains, had a single matinée performance at the Court Theatre in London.
Weiss, Rudolf. “Versions of Emancipation: The Dramatic World of Elizabeth Baker”. Sprachkunst, Vol.
, No. 2, 1989, pp. 305-16.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's comedy The Bogie Men was first performed by the Abbey Theatre Company at the Court Theatre in London.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Stevenson, Mary Lou Kohfeldt. Lady Gregory: The Woman Behind the Irish Renaissance. Atheneum, 1985.
Performance of text Elizabeth Baker
Two one-act plays by EB , Cupid in Clapham and Miss Tassey, were produced at the Court Theatre in London.
Weiss, Rudolf. “Versions of Emancipation: The Dramatic World of Elizabeth Baker”. Sprachkunst, Vol.
, No. 2, 1989, pp. 305-16.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
The Wrens, a political comedy by AG , had its first production at London's Court Theatre .
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text Elizabeth Baker
EB 's Partnership, a three-act comedy about business and marriage, opened at the Court Theatre in London.
Weiss, Rudolf. “Versions of Emancipation: The Dramatic World of Elizabeth Baker”. Sprachkunst, Vol.
, No. 2, 1989, pp. 305-16.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.


Autumn 1904 to summer 1907: Under the management of playwright and director...

Writing climate item

Autumn 1904 to summer 1907

Under the management of playwright and director Harley Granville-Barker and business manager J. E. Vedrenne , the Court Theatre became the first permanent home of the new drama.
McDonald, Jan. The ’New Drama’ 1900-1914. Grove Press, 1986.
2, 11-16
Tweedsmuir, Susan. A Winter Bouquet. G. Duckworth, 1954.


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