Privy Council


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Christopher Marlowe
Standard accounts of his death used to say that it was a brawl, largely caused by himself. But accident seems unlikely. He had recently been brought in for questioning by the Privy Council , but...
Friends, Associates Emmeline Pankhurst
EP developed important ties in Canada. Her personal influence was acknowledged by every one of the famous five (Emily Murphy , Henrietta Muir Edwards , Louise McKinney , Irene Parlby , and Nellie McClung
Friends, Associates Sarah Green
This was the prophetRichard Brothers , millenarian and British Israelite , a man of talent and eccentricity who already had a colourful career behind him. She was forced to evict him when he failed...
Health Queen Elizabeth I
QEI suffered an attack of smallpox which she barely survived. The question of the succession loomed, and Burghley actually wrote a memo instructing the Privy Council , in the event of her death, to appoint...
Occupation Philip Dormer Stanhope fourth Earl of Chesterfield
From the age of twenty he held a positon at Court and a seat in Parliament . After becoming an earl he served in the Privy Council and as British ambassador at The Hague...
politics Lady Rachel Russell
LRR 's husband was accused of High Treason before the Privy Council and sent to the Tower of London.
Schwoerer, Lois. Lady Rachel Russell: "One of the Best of Women". Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.
politics Queen Elizabeth I
With the help of William Cecil , QEI acted swiftly and decisively to establish her regime by appointing a new, slimmer, less ecclesiastical Privy Council . England and its monarch were both in weak positions...
Reception Elizabeth Cellier
EC was imprisoned in Newgate to await trial at the Old Bailey criminal court for her publication (which Jacob Tonson , reporting this, called a Libell upon the whole Government. At the same time, by...
Textual Production Queen Victoria
Victoria's first publication was Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands. The idea for publishing selections from her journal arose when the queen showed editor Arthur Helps extracts of the memoirs...
Textual Production Sarah Green
SG had dreams after the departure of Brothers (who had apparently lodged with her), which identified him as Christ or John the Baptist. She claims she was personally pressured by members of the Privy Council
Textual Production Elizabeth Cellier
The printing of EC 's famous pamphlet, Malice Defeated, her account of the false accusation laid against her in the Meal Tub Plot, was halted by the Privy Council .
Gardiner, Anne Barbeau, and Elizabeth Cellier. “Introduction”. Malice Defeated and The Matchless Rogue, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1988, p. iii - xiv.
Textual Production Queen Elizabeth I
QEI wrote a letter to a member of her Privy Council and another civil servant, to authorise the use of torture in extracting intelligence from suspected plotters.
Elizabeth I, Queen. Elizabeth I: Collected Works. Editors Marcus, Leah S. et al., University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Textual Production Anne Whitehead
They both set their names on the title-page, but Elson is said inside to be the author of one short passage only. Their fuller title was An Epistle for True Love, Unity, and Order in...
Travel Elizabeth Bathurst
EB went on a preaching journey to Bristolin the time of the hottest Persecution [of Quakers] there
Bathurst, Elizabeth. Truth Vindicated. T. Sowle, 1691.
(perhaps after a clampdown by the Privy Council in December 1681).
Bristol was the base of...
Wealth and Poverty Elizabeth Clinton Countess of Lincoln
After a dozen years of marriage, however, her parents-in-law were being pressed by the Privy Council (at the behest of Queen Elizabeth ) to provide suitable accommodation for the young couple and their growing family.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


1538: The Privy Council first began licensing books...

Writing climate item


The Privy Council first began licensing books for print.
Sedley, Stephen. “After Leveson”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 7, 11 Apr. 2013, p. 16.

July 1550: A warrant was issued for money setting up...

Writing climate item

July 1550

A warrant was issued for money setting up Humphrey Powell as royal printer in Dublin. Next year he issued an edition of The Book of Common Prayer which was the first book published in Ireland.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

December 1681: The Privy Council moved against Quakers and...

Building item

December 1681

The Privy Council moved against Quakers and Dissenters by enforcing past orders against them, like the Clarendon Code, which dated 1661 and the few years thereafter.
McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Clarendon, 1998.

From about 1693: British seamen based on the island of Madagascar...

National or international item

From about 1693

British seamen based on the island of Madagascar mounted an escalating series of pirate attacks on passing shipping; plans were formed for procuring them pardon (at a price).
Baer, Joel H. “Penelope Aubin and the Pirates of Madagascar: Biographical Notes and Documents”. Eighteenth- Century Women: Studies in their Lives, Work, and Culture, edited by Linda V. Troost, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 49-62.

28 September 1707: The Privy Council turned down a scheme by...

National or international item

28 September 1707

The Privy Council turned down a scheme by entrepreneurs including John Breholt for ending piracy by disaffected and allegedly very wealthy British seamen off the island of Madagascar.
Baer, Joel H. “Penelope Aubin and the Pirates of Madagascar: Biographical Notes and Documents”. Eighteenth- Century Women: Studies in their Lives, Work, and Culture, edited by Linda V. Troost, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 49-62.

1720: The Declaratory Act spelled out the dependence...

National or international item


The Declaratory Act spelled out the dependence of the Dublinparliament on the English one at Westminster.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Curley, Thomas. “Johnson and the Irish: A Post-Colonial Survey of the Irish Literary Renaissance in Imperial Great Britain”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2001, pp. 67-197.

1773: A bill that had been enacted by the colonial...

Building item


A bill that had been enacted by the colonial legislature of Pennsylvania to permit divorce was disallowed by the Privy Council in London.
Staves, Susan. Married Women’s Separate Property in England, 1660 - 1833. Harvard University Press, 1990.

19 April 1780: Henry Grattan made an impassioned declaration...

National or international item

19 April 1780

Henry Grattan made an impassioned declaration to the Irish parliament of the legislative independence of Ireland from England.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

30 May 1782: The Duke of Portland, Lord Lieutenant of...

National or international item

30 May 1782

The Duke of Portland , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, announced in the House of Lords a new Bill of Rights for Ireland: the Dublin Parliament was freed from the rule of the British Privy Council

March 1884: Dadaji Bhikaji, the husband of Rukhmabai,...

Building item

March 1884

Dadaji Bhikaji , the husband of Rukhmabai , a twenty-two-year-old Indian woman who had been married to him at the age of eleven, began legal proceedings in Bombay to force his wife to cohabit with...

Late September 1885: Justice Pinhey of the Bombay High Court gave...

National or international item

Late September 1885

Justice Pinhey of the Bombay High Court gave the first verdict in the case against Rukhmabai : that her husband 's action to compel her to cohabit with him could not be maintained. This was...

17 July 1917: George V informed the Privy Council that...

Building item

17 July 1917

George V informed the Privy Council that the royal family (all his subjects descended from Queen Victoria) would take the surname of Windsor.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

30 May 1929: Labour came in twenty-six votes ahead of...

National or international item

30 May 1929

Labour came in twenty-six votes ahead of the Conservatives in the first general election with full women's suffrage: the prospect of voting by women under thirty brought the demeaning nickname of the Flapper Election....

February 1930: Four months after the Persons Case brought...

Building item

February 1930

Four months after the Persons Case brought before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England in October 1929, Cairine Wilson became the first woman appointed to the Canadian Senate .
“Women’s Right to Vote in Canada”. Paarliament of Canada: A to Z Index: Women, 1 Feb. 1999.
“Cairine Reay Mackay Wilson”. Library and Archives Canada: Printing and Publishing: Celebrating Women’s Achievements: First Women in Provincial and Territorial Legislatures.


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