Persephone Books


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Noel Streatfeild
NS published an adult novel entitled Saplings (dedicated to her mother), which was chosen by Persephone Books for reprinting in 2000.
Huse, Nancy. Noel Streatfeild. Twayne, 1994.
British Library Catalogue.
Literary responses Marghanita Laski
Reviews were mixed. The San Francisco Chronicle called this a tour-de-force of its kind,, a little jewel of horror. The Times Literary Supplement dismissed it as surprisingly sentimental and not a very original story...
Literary responses Susan Miles
This book appeared with very distinguished endorsement on its jacket. T. S. Eliot wrote that he found it a very poignant story.Storm Jameson wrote, Its simplicities are at a profound level. The theme is...
Literary responses Dorothy Whipple
DW was an unacknowledged favourite of Ivy Compton-Burnett and evidently of Elizabeth Taylor too, since Taylor borrowed for her novel Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont from the opening of a story among Whipple's papers, which...
Literary responses Frances Hodgson Burnett
The website of Persephone Books , recent publishers of this novel, argues that Bettina is one of the great self-reliant heroines of fiction, and that the focus of the novel falls on her American energy...
Literary responses Margaret Oliphant
Merryn Williams observed in an afterword to the Persephone edition that both these stories deal with the terribly destructive effects of middle-aged passion.
qtd. in
Persephone Books.
Literary responses Cicely Hamilton
This novel was awarded the Prix Femina Vie Heureuse in early 1920.
Hamilton, Cicely. Life Errant. J. M. Dent and Sons, 1935.
The Times announcement of the award mentioned that it was worth £40 and that a committee (with Marie Belloc Lowndes as president...
Literary responses E. M. Delafield
Marie Belloc Lowndes , a Roman Catholic, observed in late 1945 that EMD 's early anti-Catholic suffered from a failure of realism, being filled with fantastic imaginary figures of the old Catholic world.
Lowndes, Marie Belloc. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947. Editor Marques, Susan Lowndes, Chatto and Windus, 1971.
Lowndes, Diaries 267
Literary responses Monica Dickens
Persephone 's webside quotes two excellent reviews from the date of first publication—one from John Betjeman and one from Elizabeth Bowen .
Persephone Books.
Publishing Penelope Fitzgerald
PF wrote twice about her writer aunt, Winifred Peck , and particularly about her wartime novel House-Bound. In 1985 she wrote in the Times Literary Supplement that this was the one among all her...
Publishing Amy Levy
AL had requested for it a binding like that of The Aspern Papers: double gold lines and dark cloth very nicely got up, but dark red instead of the James volume's blue.
qtd. in
Beckman, Linda Hunt. Amy Levy: Her Life and Letters. Ohio University Press, 2000.
Publishing Katherine Mansfield
KM left at least fifteen stories unfinished. The final book which she planned—and which she intended to be her first mature and fully-conceived work—was never written; nor were the novels which she meant to write...
Publishing Dorothy Whipple
She decided to write this one in preference to a different potential novel which was also pressing to be written. She made two false starts before she could feel the story was launched. For use...
Publishing Susan Miles
SM published with Linden Press of London her long poem or verse novel Lettice Delmer; it had almost been forgotten when reprinted in 2002 by Persephone .
Miles, Susan. “Disgrace”. The Guardian, 24 Aug. 2002, p. Review 27.
Publishing Dorothy Whipple
She had the idea for this book about a country house family, requiring detailed knowledge of cricket, while sitting in the hot sun shortly after her previous novel appeared. The new idea made her pulse...


1941: Puffin, a subsidiary of Penguin designed...

Writing climate item


Puffin , a subsidiary of Penguin designed to publish (initially) picture books for children in paperback, issued its first four titles.
Persephone Books.

September 1998: Literary historian Nicola Beauman founded...

Women writers item

September 1998

Literary historian Nicola Beauman founded Persephone Books , aimed at reprinting in beautiful format forgotten classics by twentieth-century (mostly women) writers.
Persephone Books.
Persephone Books.
Ochocka, Alice. “The Height of Spring”. Mslexia, No. 38, July 2008, p. 6.


Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books, 2009.
Conville, David, and Dorothy Whipple. “Afterword”. The Priory, Persephone Books, 2003, pp. 529-36.
Lestage, Gregory, and Mollie Panter-Downes. “Afterword: Mollie Panter-Downes and The New Yorker”. Good Evening, Mrs Craven, edited by Gregory Lestage and Gregory Lestage, Persephone Books, 1999, pp. 191-03.
Lestage, Gregory, and Mollie Panter-Downes. “Preface”. Good Evening, Mrs Craven, edited by Gregory Lestage and Gregory Lestage, Persephone Books, 1999, p. vii - xxiii.
Miles, Susan. Lettice Delmer. Persephone Books, 2002.
Miles, Susan. “Publisher’s Note”. Lettice Delmer, Persephone Books, 2002, p. v - xii.
Miller, Betty, and Jane Eldridge Miller. Farewell Leicester Square. Persephone Books, 2000.
Miller, Jane Eldridge, and Betty Miller. “Preface”. Farewell Leicester Square, Persephone Books, 2000, p. vii - xix.
Panter-Downes, Mollie. Good Evening, Mrs Craven. Editor Lestage, Gregory, Persephone Books, 1999.
Panter-Downes, Mollie. Minnie’s Room. Persephone Books, 2002.
Whipple, Dorothy. The Priory. Persephone Books, 2003, p. 528 pp.