Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
John Galsworthy
Standard Name: Galsworthy, John
was a novelist and dramatist who began publishing just before the end of the nineteenth century. The series of novels for which he is now best known, The Forsyte Saga, is historical, since its story begins forty years before the first in the series appeared. In 1921 JG
became first president of the PEN Club
(later PEN International
) founded by Catharine Amy Dawson Scott
and Violet Hunt
, and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1922.
The latter title dates from the first US edition, 1925. The Virago
edition of 1987 has an introduction by Julia Neuberger
. This work (dedicated to John Galsworthy
) was followed by A Deputy was...
MacKenzie, Raymond N. A Critical Biography of English Novelist Viola Meynell, 1885-1956. Edwin Mellen, 2002.
61, 65
Family and Intimate relationships
Iris Tree
Writer, critic, and caricaturist Sir Max Beerbohm
was IT
's half-uncle, the youngest son from Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree's father's second marriage. Best remembered for his drawings and caricatures of the famous, Beerbohm also wrote...
Family and Intimate relationships
Violet Hunt
met Ford Madox Hueffer
, later Ford Madox Ford, at a London dinner party held by John Galsworthy
Belford, Barbara. Violet. Simon and Schuster, 1990.
Family and Intimate relationships
Cecily Mackworth
later wrote that the search for love was interwoven with many events of her life; she felt her judgement was poor in matters of the heart, and connected this with the loss of her...
She became a close friend of Dr Louisa Garrett Anderson
, of Hertha Ayrton
, physicist and suffragist, and of Ayrton's daughter, Barbara Gould
. These two women, mother and daughter, embodied a thread linking...
Friends, Associates
Frances Bellerby
She attended seriously to becoming a writer, and with this in view attended the inaugural meeting of the Young PEN Club
on 4 October 1928, where she was introduced to John Galsworthy
Gittings, Robert, and Frances Bellerby. “Introduction”. Selected Poems, edited by Anne Stevenson and Anne Stevenson, Enitharmon Press, 1986.
Lorna Reynolds
and Eavan Boland
liken this novel to the work of John Galsworthy
, as it is the saga of several generations of an Irish family building a business and growing in wealth.
Boland, Eavan, and Kate O’Brien. “Introduction”. The Last of Summer, Virago, 1990, p. v - xv.
Intertextuality and Influence
Gladys Henrietta Schütze
As a child GHSimagined that a person, particularly a lady, would have to be something very unusual to produce real books.
Schütze, Gladys Henrietta. More Ha’pence Than Kicks. Jarrolds.
says that after emerging into what she calls, with reference to John Galsworthy
, the almost Forsyte-ian stodginess of rich upper-middle-class London, she gradually broke away on my own account into more entertaining circles...
Literary responses
Vita Sackville-West
received personal congratulations on her stories from Sir Edmund Gosse
and John Galsworthy
. Among reviewers the only unfavourable voice was that of Rebecca West
. S. P. B. Mais
in the Daily Express...
Literary responses
Noel Streatfeild
's first fan letter came from John Galsworthy
, to say the book was a tremendously good first novel and so amusing.
qtd. in
Wilson, Barbara Ker. Noel Streatfeild. Bodley Head, 1961.
In another letter he added advice: always remember to know at...
February 1891: Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein founded...
Building item
February 1891
Theatre producer and critic J. T. Grein
founded the Independent Theatre Society
in London to promote literary rather than commercial plays, and the new drama in particular.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
McDonald, Jan. The ’New Drama’ 1900-1914. Grove Press, 1986.
1914: My Husband Still: A Working Woman's Story,...
Women writers item
My Husband Still: A Working Woman's Story, a novel from Helen Hamilton
that is based on an actual woman's account of her marriage, appeared with an introduction by John Galsworthy
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
3 August 1916: In the aftermath of the Easter Rising, Irish...
National or international item
3 August 1916
In the aftermath of the Easter Rising, Irish nationalist Roger Casement
, formerly Sir Roger, was executed for treason at Pentonville Prison
in London for attempting to smuggle a shipment of German arms to Ireland.
Forbes, Peter, editor. Scanning the Century. Viking, 1999.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
January 1921: The Englishwoman, a monthly forum for serious...
Building item
January 1921
The Englishwoman, a monthly forum for serious feminist discussion, ceased publication in London.
Merkin, Ros. “The religion of socialism or a pleasant Sunday afternoon?: The ILP Arts Guild”. British Theatre between the Wars, 1918-1939, edited by Clive Barker and Maggie B. Gale, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 162-89.
162, 165, 168, 174-5, 181
4 October 1928: The Young PEN Club, designed for beginning...