
Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Elinor Glyn
To boost her persona as a dignified foreign lady, she called herself Madame Glyn.
Glyn, Elinor. Romantic Adventure. E. P. Dutton, 1937.
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Hardwick, Joan. Addicted to Romance: The Life and Adventures of Elinor Glyn. Andre Deutsch, 1994.
In 1921 she produced her first film, The Great Moment, which was directed by Sam Wood
Employer Olivia Manning
When it ended she went to work in book production for the Medici Society at the increased pay of four pounds a week, but she was sacked when the manager found out that she was...
Employer Christina Stead
After her arrival in New York Stead spent several months reading unsolicited manuscripts without payment for New Masses (a Marxist publication edited by her friend Michael Gold ) because she wanted to see behind the...
Family and Intimate relationships Edna O'Brien
Ernest was by this time a relatively successful writer, but a controlling and disappointed man who was jealous of her talent.
Enright, Anne. “An annoyance to Irish literary males”. Guardian Weekly, 2 Nov. 2012, pp. 38-9.
He is best known for The Plymouth Adventure, The Voyage of the Mayflower...
Friends, Associates Enid Bagnold
During the Second World War EB became friendly with photographer Cecil Beaton (with whom she exchanged plays), Lady Diana Cooper , and actress Dame Edith Evans . Later she also became a friend of MGM
Health Jan Struther
This was ironic: she had recently been in litigation with the film studio MGM for making an unauthorised film sequel to her famous Mrs. Miniver, in which they made the heroine die of cancer.
Other Life Event E. Arnot Robertson
On 27 September 1946 MGM complained to the BBC about an allegedly hostile review by EAR . This led her to a court battle. The High Court awarded her £1,500 in libel damages, but on...
Performance of text Aldous Huxley
Austen 's Pride and Prejudice was released in the USA by MGM as a Hollywood film, with screenplay by AH and others.
Parker, Peter, editor. A Reader’s Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers. Oxford University Press, 1996.
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
Performance of text Jan Struther
Mrs. Miniver, the MGM movie loosely based on JS 's book of the same title, had its premiere at Radio City Music Hall in New York, USA. A million people saw it in...
Publishing Jan Struther
JS sold the film rights in her Mrs. Miniver, book version, to MGM for $32,000, surrendering control of the script to them.
Maxtone Graham, Ysenda. The Real Mrs Miniver. John Murray, 2001.
Publishing Aldous Huxley
Though AH had a sturdy relationship with his book publisher—he renewed his three-year contract with Chatto and Windus in 1941 for the seventh time—his film work during the war years was freelance. In 1939, before...
Publishing Henry Handel Richardson
At one time HHR planned to convert her three-novel series into a set of four, to follow the fortunes of Richard Mahony's son Cuffy (a character who, despite his sex, has much of his author...
Publishing Elinor Glyn
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , with whom EG had signed a contract to write film scripts, produced her film adaptation of her famous romanceThree Weeks.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Reception Ethel Wilson
Lilly's Story was translated into German and published in Switzerland in 1952, entitled simply Lilly. This was also the title for the Danish edition which appeared in 1954. Both stories were published in an...
Reception Rebecca West
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer released a movie version of War Nurse in the same year.
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn. A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West, 1912-1951. Yale University Library, 1957.
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