Mills and Boon


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Constance Holme
CH published with Mills and Boon (who became her regular publisher) her first novel to reach book form, Crump Folk Going Home, dedicated to her father and mother .
Holme, Constance. Crump Folk Going Home. Cedric Chivers, 1974.
Education Alison Fell
AF later remembered her childhood, at home, as full of beatings and beltings. This made her into a fanatic for justice and equality, though she felt it might equally easily have produced a working-class fascist...
Education J. K. Rowling
Formative early reading included Richard Scarry and Kenneth Grahame 's The Wind in the Willows. Joanne Rowling did not care for Enid Blyton as a young child but acquired a taste for her later...
Family and Intimate relationships Fay Weldon
In addition, she says, to coming from the kind of dysfunctional background she could relate to, he was well-read, artistic, bohemian,
Weldon, Fay. Auto da Fay. Flamingo, 2002.
a house-owner, and a now-single parent. They walked together under a full moon...
Intertextuality and Influence Ann Oakley
This is the first of AO 's novels without a central female protagonist; and the result is a certain lack of focus. The story is set at a resort on the coast of Turkey...
Literary responses E. M. Hull
EMH 's first novel, her desert romance The Sheik, became something of a cultural phenomenon.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
It established the formula for the desert romance, which grew in popularity between the two World Wars in a...
Literary responses Elizabeth Jolley
Readers were often highly critical of Palomino.
Gilbert, Pam, 1946 -. Coming Out From Under: Contemporary Australian Women Writers. Pandora, 1988.
The plot has been called terrible and often ridiculous rather than absurd.
Daniel, Helen. Liars: Australian New Novelists. Penguin, 1988.
Such uneasiness may be attributed in part to the unflinching seriousness with which...
Publishing Rose Allatini
Her title deliberately misquotes from W. E. Henley 's I was a king in Babylon / And you were a Christian slave. Her dedicatees were both occultists and medical practitioners who ran a kind of...
Publishing May Edginton
These two worked together again on a play entitled Secrets. ME 's Times obituary says that this was produced in 1922 at the Comedy Theatre , where it ran for 373 performances starring Fay Compton
Publishing Jean Plaidy
From this year until 1962, JP published some thirty romance novels as Eleanor Alice Burford; she generally brought out at least one title a year, and sometimes two. Jenkins published the novels until 1956...
Publishing Constance Holme
CH published her second novel, The Lonely Plough, which became her best-known.
This novel is advertised in a Mills and Boon list printed in Rose Allatini 's . . . Happy Ever After...
Publishing Molly Keane
She wrote it secretly under the bedclothes, to combat boredom when, as a schoolgirl, she was sent home and kept in bed with something that was incorrectly suspected to be tuberculosis. Published by Mills and Boon
Reception Georgette Heyer
GH later called her second novel, The Great Roxhythe. (published with Hutchinson in 1922 and set late in the reign of Charles II ), the worst book I ever wrote—the sort of book that makes...
Textual Production Rose Allatini
RA published with her name as R. Allatini, through Mills and Boon , her first novel, ". . . Happy Ever After".
This is dated by the Bodleian Library acquisition stamp.
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Flora Klickmann
A couple of years after FK 's death, her nephew the Rev. Brian Kingslake selected and edited an anthology of her work entitled The Cottage and the Flower Patch, published in 1960 by Mills and Boon .


28 November 1908: Gerald Mills and Charles Boon registered...

Writing climate item

28 November 1908

Gerald Mills and Charles Boon registered their new publishing company, Mills and Boon (then a general publisher of fiction and non-fiction), at an address in Whitcombe Street, London.
Mumby, Frank Arthur, and Ian Norrie. Mumby’s Publishing and Bookselling in the Twentieth Century. 6th ed., Bell and Hyman, 1982.
Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison, editors. The Guardian. J. Tonson.
11 August 2000
McAleer, Joseph. Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain 1914-1950. Clarendon Press, 1992.

1930: The publisher Mills and Boon began specialising...

Writing climate item


The publisher Mills and Boon began specialising in romantic titles designed to sell to commercial libraries.
Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison, editors. The Guardian. J. Tonson.
(11 August 2000): 20
McAleer, Joseph. Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain 1914-1950. Clarendon Press, 1992.
100, 112

1971: The British firm of Mills and Boon, publishers...

Women writers item


The British firm of Mills and Boon , publishers of popular romance, were taken over by the North American Harlequin Books .
Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison, editors. The Guardian. J. Tonson.
(11 August 2000): 20

9 December 2003: The UK's first toll motorway, the M6 Toll...

Building item

9 December 2003

The UK's first toll motorway, the M6 Toll Road, officially opened. The 27-mile stretch of road (formerly known as the Birmingham Northern Relief Road) was designed to give motorists the chance to avoid congestion...

20 April 2011: Jean MacLeod, Scottish author of a hundred...

Women writers item

20 April 2011

Jean MacLeod , Scottish author of a hundred and thirty romantic novels published by Mills and Boon , died at the age of one hundred and three.
“Obituaries. Jean MacLeod”. Daily Telegraph, 28 Apr. 2011, p. 29.

December 2016: The one-hundredth romance novel by Mills...

Women writers item

December 2016

The one-hundredth romance novel by Mills and Boon author Sharon Kendrick , A Royal Vow of Convenience, was released not only in audio as well as book form but in a 3D sound recording.
Furness, Hannah. “Sound of love as Mills & Boone plots the perfect seduction”. The Telegraph, 26 Dec. 2016, p. 15.


Allatini, Rose. ". . . Happy Ever After". Mills and Boon, 1914.
Allatini, Rose. When I Was a Queen in Babylon. Mills and Boon, 1921.
Harraden, Beatrice. Search Will Find It Out. Mills and Boon, 1928.
Holme, Constance. Beautiful End. Mills and Boon, 1918.
Holme, Constance. Crump Folk Going Home. Mills and Boon, 1913.
Holme, Constance. The Lonely Plough. Mills and Boon, 1914.
Holme, Constance. The Old Road from Spain. Mills and Boon, 1916.
Holme, Constance. The Splendid Fairing. Mills and Boon, 1919.
Holme, Constance. The Things Which Belong. Mills and Boon, 1925.
Holme, Constance. The Trumpet in the Dust. Mills and Boon, 1921.
Keane, Molly. The Knight of Cheerful Countenance. Mills and Boon, 1926.
Ruck, Berta. He Learnt about Women. Mills and Boon, 1940.