A year or two into the new millennium HP
began to get indigestion and to feel weak and exhausted. An endoscopy revealed oesophagal cancer. He planned for chemotherapy, then surgery. In February 2002 he learned...
Literary responses
Sarah Kane
Michael Billington
in 2005 called this his least favourite of Kane's plays. Yet he recognises its complexity. While he first saw it as a poetically allusive meditation on the obsessive nature of love, he later...
Literary responses
Harold Pinter
This play met with European as well as British success and was filmed in 1963. The excellent reviews, a complete reversal from the catastrophic ones for Pinter's previous London opening, are ascribed by Michael Billington
Literary responses
Sarah Kane
noted in April 2005 the staggering disparity of perception between the attitude to SK
in England (where shehas not entered the theatrical mainstream, but is performed mostly at universities) and in the rest...
Literary responses
Frances Burney
The reanimation of FB
's comedies is a happy story. Tara Ghoshal Wallace
edited A Busy Day in paperback in 1984. A fringe production performed in Bristol in 1993, then in Islington, London, in...
Literary responses
Harold Pinter
Bernard Levin
called the play, in a revival of 1978, unendurable.
Fraser, Antonia. Must You Go?. Random House of Canada, 2010.
In the ODNB a quarter-century later, Michael Billington
called it a rich climax to Pinter's naturalistic writing for the theatre.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Literary responses
Caryl Churchill
Nearly forty years on, critic Michael Billington
wrote that Owners had announced the arrival of a major talent I signally failed to recognise.
Billington, Michael. “The room that roared”. The Guardian, 22 July 2009, pp. G2: 19 - 20.
G2: 20
Literary responses
Harold Pinter
Nevertheless, reviews in the daily and Sunday papers were bad (including those of Bernard Levin
and, more surprisingly, Michael Billington
Fraser, Antonia. Must You Go?. Random House of Canada, 2010.
101-2, 112
Benedict Nightingale
in the New Statesman provided an appreciative notice and called...
Literary responses
Claire Luckham
English-speaking critics are divided on the play's politics. Margaret Llewellyn-Jones
thought it ideologically somewhat questionable in the way that it combines Brechtian distancing techniques with encouragement for the audience to cheer during the wrestling matches,...
Literary responses
Harold Pinter
Michael Billington
suggested in the ODNB that Pinter's reputation and career might have developed differently had this play been seen by the public at the time of its completion.
qtd. in
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Literary responses
Claire Luckham
Reviewer Michael Billington
felt that the plot of Blackbird had a traditional feel—that using a death to precipitate a dispute over physical and emotional ownership was, along with other elements in the play, derivative...
Literary responses
Caryl Churchill
The author said her play was a political event, not just a theatre event.
Brown, Mark. “Royal Court acts fast with Gaza crisis play”. The Guardian, 24 Jan. 2009.
She was proved right. The Court's artistic director said that an apolitical, escapist period in the theatre was ending: People really...
Literary responses
Edna O'Brien
Reviewer Michael Billington
especially admired the vigour and irony of O'Brien's language.
Billington, Michael. “Fate meets human flaws”. Guardian Weekly, 20–26 Feb. 2003, p. 16.
Literary responses
Caryl Churchill
Michael Billington
found the final section reminiscent of Samuel Beckett. He wrote: While initially it seems slight, I find it's grown steadily in the mind since I saw it.
Billington, Michael. “Here We Go review’Caryl Churchill’s chilling reminder of our mortality”. theguardian.com, 29 Nov. 2015.
Literary responses
Winsome Pinnock
In 2018 critic Michael Billington
described the play as insightful, honest, and shocking. Its shock was topical: audiences gasped when a character told he can escape deportation by securing his citizenship for fifty pounds bitterly...
By 13 May 2007: The director of London's National Theatre,...
Women writers item
By 13 May 2007
The director of London's National Theatre
, Nicholas Hytner
, alleged that critics (whom he called dead white men) showed misogyny in reviewing plays by women.
“Are the critics strangling theatre?”. The Guardian, 15 May 2007, pp. G2: 28 - 9.
G2: 28-9
Billington, Michael. “’Nothing is the hardest thing to do’: Guardian/NFT interview: Stephen Daldry”. Guardian Unlimited.
Billington, Michael. “A Criminal Coldness”. Country Life, pp. 94-5.
Billington, Michael. “Another World review—compelling insights into Islamic State”. theguardian.com.
Billington, Michael. “Ding Dong the Wicked review”. The Guardian.
Billington, Michael. “Fate meets human flaws”. Guardian Weekly, p. 16.
Billington, Michael. Harold Pinter. Faber and Faber, 2007.
Billington, Michael. “Her Naked Skin”. The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2008/aug/02/theatre1.
Billington, Michael. “Here We Go review’Caryl Churchill’s chilling reminder of our mortality”. theguardian.com.
Billington, Michael. “Jeffersons Garden review—Timberlake Wertenbakers American tragedy”. theguardian.com.
Billington, Michael. “Leave Taking review—insightful and honest tale of the anguish of immigrants”. theguardian.com.
Billington, Michael. “Making drama out of the Iraq crisis”. Guardian Weekly, p. 20.
Ezard, John, and Michael Billington. “Obituary: Joan Littlewood”. Guardian Unlimited.
Billington, Michael. “Oh What a Lovely War”. Guardian Unlimited.