William Herschel

Standard Name: Herschel, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Caroline Herschel
Her brother Wilhelm (later William) , eleven and a half years older and a key figure in her life, became a musician with the Hanoverian guards like his father. But after the occupation of Hanover...
Family and Intimate relationships Caroline Herschel
CH 's brother William , with whom she had lived as housekeeper and assistant since 1772, married a widow named Mary Pitt , effectively rendering his sister homeless and in part unemployed.
Brock, Claire. The Comet Sweeper: Caroline Herschel’s astronomical ambition. Thriplow, 2007.
Friends, Associates Georgiana Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire
Georgiana later met the scientist Sir Charles Blagden . She is said to have acquired from him her lasting interest in chemistry and mineralogy, though she had already indicated some interest in science by visiting...
Friends, Associates Mary Somerville
In London the Somervilles enjoyed participating in a rich scientific community: Mary's time there was much happier than during her first marriage. She attended many lectures at the Royal Institution , and took lessons in...
Friends, Associates Emily Shirreff
ES 's circle of friends included Sir William Grove (inventor of the Grove battery), scientist Mary Somerville , lawyer and Royal Society president Lord Wrottesley , astronomer Sir George Biddell Airy , Sir John Herschel
Instructor Caroline Herschel
After her move to England CH was able to indulge her appetite for learning. Her brother William provided her with unsystematic tutoring in English, bookkeeping (one of her surviving notebooks records her maths lessons), singing...
Intertextuality and Influence Caroline Herschel
According to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, it was William who persuaded her to work on what was at first conceived as an errata list to Flamsteed, which she finished in twenty months...
Occupation Caroline Herschel
CH made her first appearance as a professional singer (her brother William conducting), at the Upper Assembly Rooms at Bath in Handel 's oratorio Judas Maccabeus.
Brock, Claire. The Comet Sweeper: Caroline Herschel’s astronomical ambition. Thriplow, 2007.
Occupation Caroline Herschel
CH , at William Herschel 's request, began to spend clear nights not in bed but on a grass-plot covered by dew or hoar frost, nobody within her call, watching or sweeping the skies for...
Occupation Caroline Herschel
CH received (and revelled in) a royal grant of fifty pounds a year for her astronomical labours (as William 's assistant): the first money I ever in all my lifetime thought myself to be at...
Residence Caroline Herschel
CH left Hanover for England with her brother William (with somewhat grudging permission from her family), in order to forward his musical career there. She settled with him at 7 New King Street in Bath...
Residence Caroline Herschel
Left alone and desolate at the death of her brother William on 22 August, CH set out from Slough to return to Hanover to live with her remaining family and devote herself to those who...
Textual Features Adrienne Rich
The title of this volume is excerpted from American poet Charles Olson 's The Kingfishes.
Rich, Adrienne. The Will to Change. Norton, 1971.
Some of Rich's poems articulate the political meaning in personal experience, like The Burning of Paper Instead of...
Textual Production Emma Marshall
EM also proposed to Seeley trying a shilling paper-cover book.
Marshall, Beatrice. Emma Marshall. Seeley, 1900.
Her first of these became The Tower on the Cliff, A Story founded on a Gloucestershire Legend, 1886, which was warmly praised by...
Textual Production Margaret Bryan
MB 's surviving letters all have to do with her career in science. In the two about Lectures on Natural Philosophy mentioned above, she sought to increase the circulation of her writings. In one to...


13 March 1781: Astronomer William Herschel discovered the...

Building item

13 March 1781

Astronomer William Herschel discovered the existence of the planet Uranus: he had already discovered several previously unknown comets, as his sister Caroline did soon afterwards.
Radford, Tim. “Light fantastic at the end of the universe”. Guardian Weekly, 1 Mar. 2000, p. 19.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

1835: Caroline Herschel and Mary Somerville were...

National or international item


Caroline Herschel and Mary Somerville were awarded honorary memberships by the Royal Astronomical Society .
Franck, Irene, and David Brownstone. Women’s World: A Timeline of Women in History. HarperCollins; HarperPerennial, 1995.
Alic, Margaret. Hypatia’s Heritage: A History of Women in Science. Women’s Press, 1985.
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.
114-16, 137-9, 159-162
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.
Phillips, Patricia. The Scientific Lady. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990.


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