Mary Daly

Standard Name: Daly, Mary


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Adrienne Rich
AR argues here that the period spent in a woman's womb is the single common experience that all human beings possess, but that childbearing and motherhood, like other women's work and relationsips, are nevertheless devalued...
Intertextuality and Influence Adrienne Rich
AR 's delineation of a lesbian continuum . . . of woman-identified experience
Rich, Adrienne. Blood, Bread, and Poetry. Norton, 1986.
became one of her most controversial and influential theories. Rejecting established definitions of lesbianism as pathology, she means to acknowledge the...
Intertextuality and Influence Monica Furlong
This book reflects MF 's wide reading and an impish sense of humour employed to help her and her readers live with the unacceptable. Each chapter comes headed by a very funny cartoon and a...
Literary responses Michèle Roberts
The Times Literary Supplement reviewer, Laura Marcus , saw the influence of Mary Daly in MR 's text. Praising the book, she cited its full [and] resonant prose,and its use of language and myth, which...
Textual Features Isak Dinesen
In this spare, beautifully written, and highly selective account,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
ID presents herself as a modern European who sees in the life of primitive peoples interacting with the soil, vegetation, animals and weather around them the...


1968: Mary Daly, an academic at the Jesuit-run...

Writing climate item


Mary Daly , an academic at the Jesuit-run Boston College , published the first of her works in feminist theology, The Church and the Second Sex, an analysis of Roman Catholic and, more broadly,...

1973: US feminist theologian Mary Daly published...

Writing climate item


US feminist theologian Mary Daly published Beyond God the Father, which she called a self-conferred diploma marking her graduation from the Catholic church.
Sturgis, Susanna J. “Mary Daly, Revolting Hag”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, May–June 2010, pp. 30-1.

1978: US feminist theologian Mary Daly published...

Writing climate item


US feminist theologian Mary Daly published her best-known work, Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, which among other things addresses the misogynist assumptions ingrained within language.
Sturgis, Susanna J. “Mary Daly, Revolting Hag”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, May–June 2010, pp. 30-1.


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