Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
death | Lady Ottoline Morrell | Before her death LOM
named three literary executors, including her friend Hope Mirrlees
. Her literary estate consisted primarily of letters, journals, and her drafted memoirs. Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992. 7 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Edith Lyttelton | Before he married Edith, Alfred suffered two great losses: his first wife, Laura
(Margot Asquith
's sister, an emancipated woman, and a member of the Souls), Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. under (Octavia) Laura Lyttelton |
Family and Intimate relationships | Lady Cynthia Asquith | Cynthia had met Herbert (Beb) in Dresden in 1903-4 through his sister Violet, when she was sixteen and Beb (born in 1881) was twenty-two. His mother had died in 1891, and three years later his... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Viola Tree | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elinor Glyn | James Wallace
, husband of EG
's sister Lucy
, gambled and drank their money away. Lucy finally divorced him in 1889; her mother paid for the divorce with the little money that David Kennedy... |
Fictionalization | Ethel Smyth | ES
was famous or notorious in her day. According to Constance Lytton
, E. F. Benson
painted her portrait as Edith Staines in his novel Dodo. A detail of the day, 1893, whose title... |
Friends, Associates | Ethel M. Arnold | EA’s other acquaintances from her early life in Oxford included Walter Pater
, Max Müller
(whose daughter attended Oxford High School with her), and Benjamin Jowett
, Master of Balliol. Later in life, friends and... |
Friends, Associates | Helen Waddell | Friends from HW
's time at Somerville
included Maude Clarke
, whom she had known as a child and whose Oxford position had been one of the incentives to go there, and archaelogist Helen Lorimer |
Friends, Associates | Marie Belloc Lowndes | Her literary friends of a generation before her own included George Meredith
, Rhoda Broughton
, and Henry James
. She participated in the friendship of the two last-named by being regularly at Broughton's house... |
Occupation | Muriel Box | MB
lost her job with British Instructional Films
when they were flung into financial difficulty by the sudden rise of talking pictures. A reference from Anthony Asquith
(son of Margot Asquith
), for whose Tell... |
Publishing | Viola Tree | Virginia Woolf
found that the production of this book required a lot of work in the closing stages from her as publisher. She received the (apparently corrected) proofs by 2 March in a state calculated... |
Textual Production | Sylvia Pankhurst | To a collection entitled Myself When Young, edited by Lady Asquith
(Margot, Countess of Oxford and Asquith), SP
contributed an essay discussing her childhood and early education. The Countess of Oxford and Asquith, wife... |
Theme or Topic Treated in Text | Marie Belloc Lowndes | In this work MBL
is still focussed chiefly on her earlier life. Among various developed characters is the redoubtable Margot Asquith
. |
Theme or Topic Treated in Text | Emma Tennant | The story begins a couple of years before the first world war, with the hostile relationship between the author's grandmother, Pamela, the first Lady Glenconner
(a much-quoted hostess and society wit), and Pamela's sister-in-law Margot (Tennant) Asquith |