
Standard Name: Stendhal


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Ouida
Her father was also important in her education, encouraging her interest in history, politics (from a liberal standpoint), and the writings of Balzac and Stendhal . She wrote in an early diary, I must study...
Education Doris Lessing
Before attending school and after she left, Doris educated herself by reading. Her parents possessed copies of the classics, like Scott , Dickens , and Kipling . She read widely in the nineteenth century—her favourites...
Family and Intimate relationships Q. D. Leavis
The Roths were devastated by their daughter's decision to marry a gentile. They disowned her and ceased to give her any financial support. However, this period had its happy moments as well. Q. D. introduced...
Family and Intimate relationships Marie Belloc Lowndes
MBL 's paternal, French grandmother, Louise Swanton Belloc , was a children's writer, a translator, intimate friend of Stendhal and Victor Hugo , and the author of a life of Byron (for which Stendhal supplied...
Friends, Associates Frances Trollope
While in Paris, they were invited to spend time at the country estate La Grange, owned by General Lafayette , who had fought during the French Revolution.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press, 1979.
FT reportedly made an excellent...
Intertextuality and Influence Storm Jameson
SJ developed a passion for Stendhal 's writing at an early age. She explains in Journey from the North: An instinct led me to the only writer who could explain to me, because he...
Literary responses Ann Radcliffe
Anna Seward , in letters which were to be published in AR 's lifetime, mixed her praise of her gothic oeuvre with some trenchant criticism.
Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udolpho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. Leicester University Press, 1999.
Nathan Drake called Radcliffe the Shakespeare of Romance Writers...
Textual Production Sarah Austin
During the 1820s SA did a variety of anonymous translations from many languages, which demonstrate her versatility. Her eldest brother, John Taylor , who was a mining engineer, helped her find work translating scientific publications...
Textual Production Anita Brookner
AB published an ambitious art-critical work: The Genius of the Future: Studies in French Art Criticism: Diderot , Stendhal , Baudelaire , Zola , The BrothersGoncourt , Huysmans.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Textual Production Michelene Wandor
Novels adapted by MW are not restricted to those by women. Works by male writers she has revised for broadcasting include Kipps by H. G. Wells , aired on Radio 4 in 1984 and runner-up...
Textual Production Storm Jameson
At the age of eighty-eight SJ published her last book, Speaking of Stendhal, a chiefly biographical study of the French novelist .
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 36. Gale Research, 1985.
36: 71, 78
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Simone de Beauvoir
The second part of her first section, Facts and Myths, draws valuably on analysis of male writers. SB reads Stendhal as decidedly feministic:
Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. Translator Parshley, H. M., Jonathan Cape, 1953.
he not only values liberty but accepts it as...
Violence Bessie Rayner Parkes
Not only had the occupying troops burned the furniture and staircases, defaced the pictures or shot them full of holes: out of the dungheaps covering the gardens were retrieved letters or scraps of letters from...


23 January 1783: Marie Henri Beyle (later the novelist Stendhal)...

Writing climate item

23 January 1783

Marie Henri Beyle (later the novelist Stendhal) was born in Grenoble, France.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.

15 May 1796: Napoleon's army entered Milan, on its revolutionary...

National or international item

15 May 1796

Napoleon 's army entered Milan, on its revolutionary mission to liberate Italy from Austrian and other royal rulers.
Bayley, John. “Gide’s Cuttlefish”. London Review of Books, 17 Feb. 2000, p. 29.

1830: Henri Beyle published his famous novel Le...

Writing climate item


Henri Beyle published his famous novel Le Rouge et Le Noir: Chronique du XIXe Siècle, under the pseudonym Henri Stendhal.
Haig, Stirling. Stendhal: The Red and The Black. Cambridge University Press, 1989.

6 April 1839: Henri Beyle published his last novel, La...

Writing climate item

6 April 1839

Henri Beyle published his last novel, La Chartreuse de Parme, in Paris under the pseudonym Henri Stendhal.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Stendhal,. The Charterhouse of Parma. Translator Shaw, Margaret R. B., Penguin, 1958.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
6 April 2010

23 March 1842: The novelist Stendhal (born Marie Henri Beyle)...

Writing climate item

23 March 1842

The novelist Stendhal (born Marie Henri Beyle) died in Paris.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.

By July 1955: Françoise Sagan, aged eighteen, repeated...

Writing climate item

By July 1955

Françoise Sagan , aged eighteen, repeated in England the previous year's sensational success in France of her novel Bonjour Tristesse: the English version was by Irene Ash .
British Book News. British Council.
(1955): 1138
Corbett, Anne. “Françoise Sagan”. The Guardian, 27 Sept. 2004, p. 23.
Chrisafis, Angelique. “Bonjour Françoise: France in thrall to Sagan”. The Guardian, 31 May 2008, p. 25.

19 June 2006: Book collector Pierre Berès donated a corrected...

Writing climate item

19 June 2006

Book collector Pierre Berès donated a corrected manuscript of Stendhal 's The Charterhouse of Parma to the French nation, allaying fears that this unique text would be bought at auction and taken out of the country.
“Collector donates rare text to France”. Arthur Rimbaud: News 2006, 19 June 2006.


Stendhal,. The Charterhouse of Parma. Translator Shaw, Margaret R. B., Penguin, 1958.