Stephen Tomlin

Standard Name: Tomlin, Stephen


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Virginia Woolf
VW 's body was recovered three weeks later and cremated on 21 April 1941; her ashes are under the Stephen Tomlin bust of her in the garden of Monk's House.
Family and Intimate relationships Julia Strachey
JS married sculptor Stephen Tomlin at St Pancras Church in London. Virginia Woolf and other Bloomsbury friends were among the guests.
Strachey, Julia, and Frances Partridge. Julia: A Portrait of Julia Strachey. Little, Brown, 1983.
Family and Intimate relationships Julia Strachey
Possibly introduced through her uncle James Strachey, JS had met and become romantically involved with English sculptor Stephen Tommy Tomlin by October 1926. They spent several months together that winter in Paris, where Tomlin...
Friends, Associates Sylvia Townsend Warner
STW 's early friendships at Oxford involved young men whom she had known at Harrow, such as David Garnett and sculptor Stephen Tomlin .
Warner, Sylvia Townsend. “Introduction”. Letters: Sylvia Townsend Warner, edited by William, 1908 - 2000 Maxwell, Chatto and Windus, 1982, p. vii - xvii.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend, and David Garnett. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. Sylvia and David: The Townsend Warner / Garnett Letters, edited by Richard Garnett, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994, p. various pages.
Throughout her life, she wrote frequent, engaging and witty...
Friends, Associates Valentine Ackland
After she left her husband, VA spent a good deal of time at Chaldon in Dorset. There, she was able to write and join a supportive community of artistic friends, including Theodore Powys and...
Friends, Associates Dora Carrington
Guests here included some of the women who were to be closest to Carrington until her death: Dorelia John (wife of Augustus John , and now a neighbour), writer Rosamond Lehmann , and Julia Strachey
Material Conditions of Writing Julia Strachey
JS wrote the novel while staying with her aunt Dorothy Bussy 's family at Roquebrune in France, informally separated from her first husband, Stephen Tomlin .
Strachey, Julia, and Frances Partridge. Julia: A Portrait of Julia Strachey. Little, Brown, 1983.
113, 116
After finishing her manuscript, she sent...
politics Virginia Woolf
Uncomfortable with marks of public recognition, VW developed a theory of the artistic and political benefits of anonymity. She expressed some measure of dissatisfaction, for instance, first with Stephen Tomlin 's 1931 bust of her...
Reception Virginia Woolf
After the Femina Vie Heureuse prize for To the Lighthouse, VW refused in principle to accept any honour from an institution. She declined to give the Clark Lectures at Cambridge University , as well...
Textual Production Dora Carrington
Using colours inspired by his Crown Derby china, she painted George Dadie Rylands 's rooms at King's College, Cambridge that same year. She painted rooms for Dorelia John , Rosamond Lehmann , and Julia Strachey
Textual Production Dora Carrington
DC wrote excitedly to artist Stephen Tomlin about a possible collaboration (ultimately unrealized) on a ballet inspired by Christina Rossetti 's poem Goblin Market.
Hill, Jane, and Michael Holroyd. The Art of Dora Carrington. Herbert Press, 1994.
130, 137


No timeline events available.


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