Vivien Eliot

Standard Name: Eliot, Vivien
Used Form: Vivienne Haigh-Wood


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Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
TSE and Vivienne Haigh-Wood married at Hampstead Registry Office .
Seymour-Jones, Carole. Painted Shadow. Doubleday, 2001.
Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
Vivien Eliot died suddenly, at Northumberland House , a private London mental hospital, of syncope and cardio-vascular degeneration.
Ackroyd, Peter. T.S. Eliot. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.
Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
Ten years after the death of his first wife , TSE married the much younger Valerie Fletcher , who had been his secretary.
Gordon, Lyndall. T.S. Eliot: An Imperfect Life. W. W. Norton, 1999.
Ackroyd, Peter. T.S. Eliot. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.
Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
Within less than a year of his arrival TSE was deeply involved with Vivienne or Vivien Haigh-Wood , who seemed to represent much that he was seeking: a cultured, sophisticated, un-American background, a personal intensity...
Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
Vivien Eliot continued to be afflicted with mental instability and severe physical problems. In 1923 she nearly died of colitis; in spring 1925 a combination of rheumatism with liver and intestinal troubles threw her into...
Family and Intimate relationships T. S. Eliot
TSE left England fully determined that this would be the end of his marriage in fact, although his religious beliefs did not permit a divorce. From the USA in February 1933 he instructed his solicitor...
Friends, Associates Hope Mirrlees
After her return from Paris, HM was occupied with various friendships and interests. By now she could count Vivien and T. S. Eliot , Lytton Strachey , Molly and Desmond MacCarthy , Duncan Grant ,...
Friends, Associates Lady Ottoline Morrell
LOM 's friendships were many and strongly felt. Developed mainly through her salons and other creative associations, they swept in Lytton Strachey , Virginia Woolf , Roger Fry , Joseph Conrad , T. S. and...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Bowen
EB loved Oxford (where she and her husband spent ten years) and became a social success there. She met and became friends with John and Susan Buchan , and it was through them that she...
Textual Production T. S. Eliot
The first number of The Criterion appeared in October 1922, edited by TSE : its title (invented by Vivien Eliot ) declared its intention of assuming the authority of literary judgement. This first issue included...


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