Sir Joseph Banks

Standard Name: Banks, Sir Joseph
Used Form: Joseph Banks


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Hunter
John Hunter had become friendly with her father while both were practising battlefield medicine in Portugal during the Seven Years' War. John Hunter had treated Anne in summer 1763 for an undiagnosed, serious illness including...
Friends, Associates Caroline Herschel
Though CH recorded in summer 1774 that she had lost her only female acquaintance (apparently because her work for her brother left her no time for social life), she later met Charles and Frances Burney
Friends, Associates Mary Delany
Back in England in her second widowhood, MD was a frequent visitor to her lifelong, very close friend the Duchess of Portland . The duchess, an amateur scientist of unusual talent and achievement, brought MD
Friends, Associates Ann Radcliffe
While staying with her uncle Thomas Bentley at Chelsea, Ann Ward (later AR ) met a number of influential men, most of them with Dissenting connections: Joseph Banks , George Fordyce , Ralph Griffiths ,...
Literary responses Mary Delany
In a letter she slighted her own work as my usual presumption of copying beautiful nature.
qtd. in
Linney, Verna. “A Passion for Art, a Passion for Botany: Mary Delany and her Floral ’Mosaiks’”. Eighteenth-Century Women: Studies in their Lives, Work, and Culture, edited by Linda V. Troost, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 203-35.
But Horace Walpole , Sir Joshua Reynolds , and William Gilpin , the authority on the picturesque, were...
Publishing Mary Ann Parker
Her subscribers included many naval and some military personnel, a sprinkling of the nobility, Sir Joseph Banks and (separately) his wife , Frances Boscawen (bluestocking and admiral's widow), Hannah More , and printer-antiquary John Bowyer Nichols
Publishing Elizabeth Hands
The advertisement for the book in print, like the pre-notification, was carried by Jopson's Coventry Mercury. The volume was dedicated to the dramatist Bertie Greatheed . It was issued in two forms: ordinary copies...
Publishing Henrietta Battier
She hoped to get a volume of her collected poems published while she was in London in 1784, and enlisted the aid of Samuel Johnson. Johnson offered positive encouragement (assuring her he had often been...
Publishing Harriet Downing
A sentimental frontispiece features five putti disporting themselves in the clouds. Since the poem later refers to these as the youthful Muses who inspire,
Downing, Harriet. Mary; or, Female Friendship. James Harper, 1816.
it seems that they represent HD 's children. Downing dedicated...
Textual Production Anne Damer
AD 's activity as a sculptor dates mostly from after 1777. Her best-known works include the keystones of the bridge at Henley, carved to represent the rivers Thames and Isis: completed in 1785, they...
Textual Production Mary Delany
A stage of the work was privately and anonymously printed as A Catalogue of Plants Copyed from Nature in Paper Mosaick, finished in the year 1778, and disposed in alphabetical order, according to the generic...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Frances O'Neill
FON is not, however, the most single-minded of flatterers. In complimenting James Hurdis , Oxford Professor of Poetry, she carelessly gets his Christian name wrong. And having once approached Sir Joseph Banks (naturalist, explorer, and...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Flora Shaw
This simple and direct work begins with an account of the early European exploration and colonization.
Shaw, Flora. The Story of Australia. H. Marshall and Son, 1897.
5, 17, 31, 32-5
Joseph Banks , a naturalist and member of James Cook 's first voyage to Australasia...


30 July 1768-12 June 1771: Lieutenant (later Captain) James Cook made...

National or international item

30 July 1768-12 June 1771

Lieutenant (later Captain) James Cook made his first circumnavigation of the world, bringing about huge advances in knowledge of global natural history.
Watkins, Tom H., and Cary Wolinsky. “Sir Joseph Banks”. National Geographic, Vol.
, No. 5, Nov. 1996, pp. 28-52.

1804: The Horticultural Society (from 1861 the...

Building item


The Horticultural Society (from 1861 the Royal Horticultural Society ) was set up by a group of men including John Wedgwood and Sir Joseph Banks .
Lively, Penelope. A House Unlocked. Penguin, 2002.


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