George Crabbe

Standard Name: Crabbe, George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Caroline Bowles
CB was praised for this volume both in Blackwood's (her publisher's own journal) and in the London Quarterly Review.
Allibone, S. Austin, editor. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors Living and Deceased. Gale Research, 1965.
Writing in 1840, Henry Nelson Coleridge called the title piece a beautiful little poem in...
Literary responses Felicia Hemans
Wordsworth in 1837 revised his existing Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg to include a stanza describing FH as that holy Spirit / Sweet as the spring, as ocean deep.
Wordsworth, William. The Complete Poetical Works of Wordsworth. Editor George, Andrew J., Houghton Mifflin, 1932.
Although his...
Literary responses Mary Bryan
The novel's publication was listed in the Edinburgh Review 49 (1829): 529, together with Scott's Anne of Geierstein.
The Edinburgh Review. A. and C. Black.
49 (1829): 528-9
The Sun linked the setting not with Crabbe but with Mary Russell Mitford
Literary responses Anna Steele
The Academy gave Condoned a largely negative review, arguing that Steele had with the odd lack of judgment which not seldom distinguishes lady novelists, done nearly all she could to spoil her book.
The Academy.
11 (3 February 1877): 91
Literary responses Mary Russell Mitford
Our Village was praised by Christopher North (John Wilson) , Felicia Hemans , Elizabeth Barrett (who called Mitford here a sort of prose Crabbe in the sun
qtd. in
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
and Harriet Martineau . MRM was especially gratified...
Publishing Mary Deverell
MD had apparently finished this poem in draft by 1782.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
It was dedicated to Lord Aldborough . Subscribers included George Crabbe , Richard Graves , Jonas Hanway , Dr Robert Lowth , Hannah More ...
Publishing Margaret Fuller
A review by MF of two recent biographies, one of Hannah More and another of George Crabbe , appeared in the first issue of the Western Messenger. It was her first published piece of literary criticism.
Mehren, Joan von. Minerva and the Muse: A Life of Margaret Fuller. University of Massachusetts Press, 1994.
Publishing Alethea Lewis
The subscribers included George Crabbe and his wife , and Mary Meeke (who was for years, but erroneously, thought to have been a novelist herself). OCLC WorldCat (in 2015) lists three copies (at Yale ...
Publishing Evelyn Sharp
ES took up full-time the great profession of journalism in 1904,
Sharp, Evelyn. Unfinished Adventure. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1933.
after an absence from London for family reasons had interrupted her career as a freelance teacher. She had been a desultory journalist already...
Publishing Alethea Lewis
AL 's dedication to Sir Edward Littleton , Member of Parliament for Stafford, praises him in this capacity and as a landlord. Her subscribers include many friends or relations, as well as writers like...
Reception Valentine Ackland
Though VA 's poems were well received when they first began to appear, she was always a poet out of step with her time: more in tune, as Claire Harman remarks, with writers of the...
Textual Features Mary Leadbeater
This work draws on her diary, and gives a lively picture of local life at Ballitore over nearly sixty years (ending in 1823). She goes into some detail about her family and her early memories...
Textual Features Mary Russell Mitford
MRM 's letters regularly indulge in analysis of books. She comments on works by both men and women, in English and French, and her opinions shift a good deal with age. She reacted with horror...
Textual Features Susanna Blamire
These Poetical Works include the first publication of SB 's longest poem, Stoklewath, with its affectionate, picturesque, but socially realistic portrait of village life. On Imagined Happiness in Humble Stations follows up this realism...
Textual Production Mary Bryan
Another adviser was apparently the Bristol writer Charles Abraham Elton (who also employed Elizabeth Ham as a governess in his family and helped her revise her longest poem for publication). He suggested that Bryan might...


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