Sir Peter Lely

Standard Name: Lely, Sir Peter


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anne Killigrew
Evidence about AK 's friends and contacts is sketchy, but she presumably knew well her fellow maids of honour Anne Kingsmill and Sarah Jennings , who later became, respectively, a distinguished poet and a powerful...
Leisure and Society Anne Killigrew
A sitter who wore a yellow dress for her portrait by Lely in the act of painting has been generally thought to be Killigrew.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Old Books / New Editions. Part I”. Rare Book Hub, 7 Oct. 2016.
Leisure and Society Aphra Behn
St Hilda's College , Oxford, holds a portrait by Mary Beale , the most successful woman artist of her day, which has been thought to represent Behn. Scholar Maureen E. Mulvihill discussed (with illustrations)...
Leisure and Society Ephelia
From an early age, the personal beauty of Lady Mary Villiers and her prominence at court ensured that she was painted many times: by Van Dyck (especially), John Michael Wright , and possibly Lely ...
Leisure and Society Katherine Philips
As well as the classicized bust by Michael Vander Gucht which was later engraved as the frontispiece for KP 's posthumous Poems, 1667, a portrait of her by Sir Peter Lely now hangs at...
Occupation Anne Killigrew
AK also became a noted amateur painter. There are records of her portrait, religious, and mythological works; she also produced more than one self-portrait. The present royal collection includes her portrait of James II ....
Publishing Ephelia
The book was handsomely produced, having a decorated dedication page, and a frontispiece featuring an oval portrait (or fictitious portrait) of Ephelia, with a heraldic badge above the picture and a pedestal bearing her engraved...
Textual Features Lady Anne Clifford
The picture is a triptych, a form for which there were precedents in religious and in royal dynastic paintings, but not in the portrayal of a family. It is emphatically English in style, uninfluenced by...
Textual Features Mary Whateley Darwall
In this pastoral elegy the poet links the dead woman with the famous dead: writers, thinkers and artists, Newton , Milton , Thomson , Lely , and Handel .


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