Sir Isaac Newton

Standard Name: Newton, Sir Isaac


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Margaret Calderwood
Margaret Steuart and her sisters seem to have had an excellent eduction: evidence remains that Agnes at least studied mathematics with Professor Maclaurin , a friend of Isaac Newton .
Calderwood, Margaret. “To the Reader; Introductory Chapter”. Letters and Journals, edited by Alexander Fergusson, David Douglas, 1884, p. vii - lviii.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Strickland
Her father, Thomas Strickland , owned some property while he was employed as a docks manager near Rotherhithe. He thought of himself as an intellectual, and took pride in the fact that some books...
Family and Intimate relationships Agnes Strickland
Her father, Thomas Strickland , was a docks manager near Rotherhithe, which was then a distinct village, but became part of the London Docks complex. He owned property in East London. He had...
Family and Intimate relationships Ann Jebb
John Jebb was then moved to a parish in Cambridge. Once back there he lectured in theology at Cambridge University, and took pupils to tutor. He had published a commentary on Sir Isaac Newton in...
Family and Intimate relationships Susanna Moodie
SM ' s mother, born Elizabeth Homer , was the second wife of Thomas Strickland. Strickland's first wife, born Susanna Butt , was related to Sir Isaac Newton ; because of the connection the Strickland...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Tollet
His friendship with Sir Isaac Newton (a neighbour at the Tower) was shared by his daughter. There may also, possibly, have been personal acquaintance behind her praise of the poems of William Congreve and Alexander Pope
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Johnson
The poem is headed with a quotation from Psalm 19: The Heavens declare the Glory of God, & the Firmament showeth his handy work—the same psalm which Addison had famously rendered as The spacious...
Literary responses Elizabeth Tollet
Sir Isaac Newton admired ET 's earliest essays (that is, attempts at writing). Thomas Parnell praised her Apollo and Daphne in a poem which he contributed to Steele 's Poetical Miscellanies, 1714 (which actually...
Literary responses Dora Marsden
DM sent her book to trusted readers before and after its publication. Her former instructor Samuel Alexander (who had published Space, Time and the Deity in 1920) advised against publication, telling her that the text...
Occupation Mary Somerville
She was now free to pursue her mathematical studies with increased intensity. She tackled plane and spherical trigonometry and conic sections, read Newton 's Principia, and began to explore higher mathematics and physical astronomy...
Occupation Caroline Herschel
CH first used in her sweeping of the night sky for nebulae and comets a more powerful, Newtonian telescope.
Brock, Claire. The Comet Sweeper: Caroline Herschel’s astronomical ambition. Thriplow, 2007.
Publishing Jane Barker
The material in the volume was later revised as the third part of the Magdalen Manuscript. The publisher advertised the volume in December 1687, using JB 's name. This is the only instance of his...
Textual Features Elizabeth Smith
She then recorded how she look[ed] back on my past life with shame and confusion, when I recollect the many advantages I have had, and the bad use I have made of them.
Smith, Elizabeth, 1776 - 1806. Fragments, in Prose and Verse. Editor Bowdler, Henrietta Maria, Richard Cruttwell, 1809.
Textual Features George Bernard Shaw
In it, Charles II , Nell Gwyn , Isaac Newton , and George Fox , among others, debate religious, scientific, and artistic issues.
Textual Features Frances Arabella Rowden
An advertisement (dated at Iver in Buckinghamshire on 3 September 1820)
Rowden, Frances Arabella. A Biographical Sketch of the Most Distinguished Writers of Ancient and Modern Times. 1829.
1829, iv
explains that the book is written for the young scholar and hopes to demonstrate the connexion between ancient and modern literature (the...


8 January 1642: The scientist Galileo died, blind and still...

Building item

8 January 1642

The scientist Galileo died, blind and still under the ban of the Inquisition ; Isaac Newton , who inherited his mantle as leading light in the field of science, was born on Christmas Day of...

5 July 1687: Sir Isaac Newton published Philosophiæ naturalis...

Writing climate item

5 July 1687

Sir Isaac Newton published Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica; it was the first work on the movements of the planets to back its statements with detailed mathematical calculations.
Schaffer, Simon. “Somewhat Divine”. London Review of Books, 16 Nov. 2000, pp. 30-1.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
5 July 2012

1704: Sir Isaac Newton published his Optics; further...

Building item


Sir Isaac Newton published his Optics; further editions over the next few years included one in Latin.
English Short Title Catalogue.

8 July 1714: Queen Anne signed the royal consent to the...

Building item

8 July 1714

Queen Anne signed the royal consent to the Longitude Act, whereby Parliament offered a reward of up to £20,000 for a foolproof method of calculating longitude at sea.
Williams, J. E. D. From Sails to Satellites: The Origin and Development of Navigational Science. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Quill, Humphrey. John Harrison: The Man Who Found Longitude. Baker, 1966.
4, 7

By 8 March 1718: A maypole standing in The Strand in London...

National or international item

By 8 March 1718

A maypole standing in The Strand in London (destroyed by the Puritans in 1644 after such practices were made illegal, and loyally re-erected on 4 April 1661) was after various vicissitudes finally dismantled.
Rogers, Pat. “The Maypole in the Strand”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 2005, pp. 83-95.
83-6, 88

By 26 March 1741: Emilie du Chatelet composed, within a month,...

Building item

By 26 March 1741

Emilie du Chatelet composed, within a month, a refutation to sexist attack by Jean-Baptiste Dortous de Mairin , Secretary of the Académie Française , on her Treatise on the Nature of Fire.
Zinsser, Judith P. “Emilie du Châtelet: genius, gender, and intellectual authority”. Women Writers and the Early Modern British Political Tradition, edited by Hilda L. Smith, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 168-90.
Bodanis, David. “The scientist whom history forgot”. Guardian Weekly, 4–10 Aug. 2006, p. 10.

28 December 1817: The painter Benjamin Haydon held what later...

Writing climate item

28 December 1817

The painter Benjamin Haydon held what later became known as the immortal dinner so that the young John Keats might meet the eminent William Wordsworth .
Burton, Sarah. A Double Life: A Biography of Charles and Mary Lamb. Viking, 2003.


Newton, Sir Isaac. Opticks. Royal Society, 1704.
Newton, Sir Isaac. Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica. Jussu Societatis Regiae ac Typis Josephi Streater, 1687.