John Gibson Lockhart

Standard Name: Lockhart, John Gibson
Used Form: J. G. Lockhart


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Jean Rhys
JR 's maternal great-grandfather, John Potter Lockhart of Old Jewry, London, acquired the Genever Plantation in 1824. The plantation was at times prosperous, but problems occurred as a result of natural disasters and labour disruptions...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Eleanor Butler
They were outraged, and at once sought legal advice from Edmund Burke (who had experienced image problems of a not dissimilar kind).
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Michael Joseph, 1971.
Brideoake, Fiona. “Keep Yourself in Your Own Persons, Where You Are: The Ladies of Llangollen and Queer Self-Fashioning”. 42nd ASECS Annual Meeting, 18 Mar. 2011.
This episode was remarkable partly because such hostility was unusual. But not...
Family and Intimate relationships Adelaide Procter
AP 's father, Bryan Waller Procter , was a successful London barrister. As Metropolitan Commissioner of Lunacy (from 1832 to 1861)
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Bryan Waller Procter
he participated in the gradual shift from use of physical...
Fictionalization Lady Eleanor Butler
Among many less formal honours during the ladies' lifetimes, the most extraordinary was LEB 's award of a French, ancien régime, military medal: the Croix St Louis. It is shown in a famous portrait of...
Friends, Associates Anne Grant
Among AG 's acquaintances in her later years were Felicia Hemans and Thomas Campbell .
Paston, George, and George Paston. “Mrs. Grant of Laggan”. Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century, E. P. Dutton, 1901, pp. 237-96.
Among those who praised her acute mind and generous nature were Edward Topham , John Gibson Lockhart .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Friends, Associates Maria Edgeworth
ME formed warm friendships with Scott and his son-in-law J. G. Lockhart .
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon, 1972.
Friends, Associates Harriet Martineau
HM 's social circle vastly expanded at this time until she knew virtually all the prominent people, particularly the political men, of her day. As she recorded in her Autobiography, however, she refused to...
Friends, Associates Caroline Norton
In the mid-1840s CN acquired some new friends: biographer John Gibson Lockhart , author Alexander William Kinglake , rising young statesman Sidney Herbert (direct descendant of the Countess of Pembroke ), and the intellectual translator...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Rigby
She was welcomed into Edinburgh society, where she attended dinners, masked balls, and concerts. Through her London editors, John Murray and John Gibson Lockhart , she made literary connections. She knew Professor John Wilson and...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Rigby
In London, she met theCarlyles and John Gibson Lockhart 's daughter Charlotte . She was also introduced to her future husband, Charles Eastlake . She called on Agnes Strickland and Maria Edgeworth . Lord Shaftesbury
Intertextuality and Influence Catherine Gore
In an extraordinary passage near the end of the book, Cecil lists a number of people who might, if they could only work together, revolutionize the country.
qtd. in
Farrell, John P. “Toward a New History of Fiction: The Wolff Collection and the Example of Mrs. Gore”. The Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, Vol.
, 1986, pp. 28-37.
The names he mentions include actual...
Literary responses Joanna Baillie
The Chief Justice of Ceylon, Sir Alexander Johnstone , asked that two of JB 's last plays be translated into Singalese.One—The Bride, A Tragedy (published in summer 1828), had a Singalese subject.
Quarterly Review. J. Murray.
38 (1828): 602
Literary responses Elizabeth Rigby
Lockhart praised this article, writing: Mr Croker pronounces it charming both for the sense and pleasantry. I scarcely think he ever said a word in favour of any other article not his own.
qtd. in
Rigby, Elizabeth. “Preface and Memoirs”. Journals and Correspondence of Lady Eastlake, edited by Charles Eastlake Smith, J. Murray, 1895, p. Various pages.
1: 165
Literary responses Caroline Clive
The volume firmly established CC 's reputation as a gifted and talented writer. She was delighted when John Gibson Lockhart wrote (under the impression that he was addressing a man) that he was deeply impressed...
Literary responses Lady Louisa Stuart
J. G. Lockhart admired LLS 's letter on The Heart of Mid-Lothian so much that he included much of its text in his The Life of Sir Walter Scott, finding her comments on the...


No timeline events available.


Lockhart, John Gibson, and William Mathie Parker. The Life of Sir Walter Scott. J. M. Dent, 1957.