Molly Izzard

Standard Name: Izzard, Molly


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Freya Stark
As a child FS had little formal schooling. Robert Stark brought up his two daughters as if they were boys, teaching them swimming, riding, and skiing, and encouraging them to love the Devon countryside. He...
Family and Intimate relationships Freya Stark
Stewart was a member of the Colonial Service with whom Freya had worked closely for a number of years. He was a closet homosexual who faced the fact that it was then considered beneficial for...
Literary responses Freya Stark
Within seven months of its initial publication, East is West had been reprinted twice.
Stark, Freya. East is West. J. Murray, 1945.
Calling the text a sensitive and engaging account of the important transactions taking place in Arab lands,
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
Jane Fletcher Geniesse
Author summary Freya Stark
Famous as a twentieth-century explorer and traveller, FS was also a prominent travel-writer, essayist, autobiographer, letter-writer, geographic historian, photo journalist, and cartographer. Reprints of Stark's texts, along with recent biographies by Molly Izzard (1993) and...
Reception Freya Stark
FS 's biographer Molly Izzard finds the tone of this book—especially the sections concerning the illicit trip made by Stark and Venetia Buddicom into Syriaoften very schoolgirlish.
Izzard, Molly. Freya Stark: A Biography. Hodder and Stoughton, 1993.


No timeline events available.


Izzard, Molly. Freya Stark: A Biography. Hodder and Stoughton, 1993.