Jane Fletcher Geniesse

Standard Name: Geniesse, Jane Fletcher


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Birth Freya Stark
FS was born two months prematurely in her parents' Paris studio.
Based on the claim of her friend Evelyn Lambert to have seen an earlier date on FS 's passport, and also from the date...
Family and Intimate relationships Freya Stark
Despite the slowness and pain of her recovery, FS revelled in the attention focused on her by her mother: at this time, the young girl began what biographer Jane Fletcher Geniesse calls almost a love...
Family and Intimate relationships Freya Stark
Stark was also moved by what she saw as the futility of her sister's life. She later wrote: Vera's death is still as harsh as ever and will be as long as I can feel...
Literary responses Freya Stark
Within seven months of its initial publication, East is West had been reprinted twice.
Stark, Freya. East is West. J. Murray, 1945.
Calling the text a sensitive and engaging account of the important transactions taking place in Arab lands,
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
Jane Fletcher Geniesse
Author summary Freya Stark
Famous as a twentieth-century explorer and traveller, FS was also a prominent travel-writer, essayist, autobiographer, letter-writer, geographic historian, photo journalist, and cartographer. Reprints of Stark's texts, along with recent biographies by Molly Izzard (1993) and...
Textual Production Freya Stark
In Such Good Friends and Friends of a Lifetime, Sir Sydney Cockerell published a selection of letters from his (mostly famous) associates; according to critics, among the best were those written by G. B. Shaw
Travel Freya Stark
Geniesse comments that Stark probably used Bell's The Desert and the Sown, 1905, to plan her trip, though she later resented comparisons between herself and Bell. Because the region had been under French martial...


No timeline events available.


Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.