Pamela Perkins

Standard Name: Perkins, Pamela
Used Form: Pam Perkins


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Elizabeth Hamilton
EH was born in Belfast, Ireland, the youngest of her family.
Many sources give 1758. Scholar Pam Perkins , having inclined to this date when editing Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah...
Literary responses Dorothea Gerard
Considering the unusual topics and compelling qualities of many of her books, contemporary comments on DG were curiously lukewarm. The Churchman called a novel of 1894 clean, interesting, and wholesome. Her Times obituary conceded that...
Literary responses Elizabeth Gunning
The Critical gave this novel a long, appreciative review, praising the language, the situations, and the author's success in touching her readers' feelings, though it noted that the story was too diffuse.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
2d ser. 11 (1794): 179-81
Literary responses Elizabeth Hamilton
EH 's death, as Pam Perkins notes, received detailed and respectful coverage throughout the national press, including The Times's lengthy and sombrely respectful obituary by Maria Edgeworth .
Perkins, Pamela. Women Writers and the Edinburgh Enlightenment. Rodopi, 2010.
Edgeworth was only mistaken in...
Literary responses Christian Isobel Johnstone
On a voyage across the Atlantic in 1840, a Scotswoman named Letitia Hargrave is recorded (in a letter-journal by Isobel Finlayson ) as amusing everyone by reading (presumably aloud) Meg Dodds on cookery
Feminist Companion Archive.
—that is,...
Literary responses Christian Isobel Johnstone
Pam Perkins thinks Nights of the Round Table probably the most successful of CIJ 's children's books. For a new edition of 1842 CIJ remarked that she had no reason to be ashamed of this...
Publishing Elizabeth Hamilton
She had begun writing it in 1805 or 1806 as a little tale for the lower orders.
qtd. in
Kelly, Gary. Women, Writing, and Revolution 1790-1827. Clarendon, 1993.
Her Cottagers of Glenburnie and other Educational Writing was edited in 2010 by Pam Perkins ...
Textual Features Lady Charlotte Bury
Pam Perkins in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography calls the volume mainly sentimental and melancholic, and mentions such modish topics as the simple virtues of highland peasants and the transitory nature of fame and...
Textual Features Elizabeth Isabella Spence
Literary historian Pam Perkins points out that Spence here describes a feminocenric cultural milieu, and develops a confident voice in doing so., that she foregrounds her own roots in the Aberdeen Enlightenment, and that her...
Textual Production Christian Isobel Johnstone
It was published in London by Thomas Tegg and in Edinburgh by T. Dick . Pam Perkins has pointed out that Johnstone never claimed authorship of this book, which some scholars have queried, but various...


No timeline events available.


Perkins, Pamela. “’News from Scotland’: Female Networks in the Travel Narratives of Elizabeth Isabella Spence”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 170-84.
Perkins, Pamela. “’Scientific Amusements’: Literary Representations of the Birmingham Lunar Society”. Lumen, Vol.
, 2006, pp. 57-71.
Perkins, Pamela. “A Taste for Scottish Fiction: Christian Johnstones Cook and Housewifes ManualEuropean Romantic Review, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 248-58.
Perkins, Pamela. “Anne Grant and the Professionalization of Privacy”. Authorship, Commerce and the Public: Scenes of Writing, 1750-1850, edited by Emma Clery et al., Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. 29-43.
Bage, Robert. Hermsprong. Editor Perkins, Pamela, Broadview, 2002.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. “Introduction”. Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah, edited by Pamela Perkins and Shannon Russell, Broadview, 1999, pp. 7-50.
Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters of a Hindoo Rajah. Editors Perkins, Pamela and Shannon Russell, Broadview, 1999.
Perkins, Pamela. “Paradises Lost. Anne Grant and Late Eighteenth-Century Idealizations of America”. Early American Literature, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 315-40.
Perkins, Pamela. “Reading Britain from Afar: the Library of Peter Fidler”. States of the Book. CSECS/SCEDHS annual conference.
Perkins, Pamela. “The Fictional Identities of Elizabeth Gunning”. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 83-98.
Perkins, Pamela. Women Writers and the Edinburgh Enlightenment. Rodopi, 2010.