Edward Thomas

Standard Name: Thomas, Edward


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Nina Hamnett
NH adapted to her new surroundings, made friends with other likeminded artists, and passed her spare time at large fancy-dress parties..She became close friends with another artist named Valentine Savage , whose studio in Chelsea...
Family and Intimate relationships Eleanor Farjeon
EF met and later grew to love George Earle , a schoolmaster and a literary-historical scholar, who was unhappily married; she first met him in company with Edward Thomas .
Farjeon, Annabel. Morning has Broken: A Biography of Eleanor Farjeon. Julia MacRae, 1986.
123, 133, 136-7
Family and Intimate relationships Eleanor Farjeon
The first man whom EF fell in love with has not been identified.
Farjeon, Annabel. Morning has Broken: A Biography of Eleanor Farjeon. Julia MacRae, 1986.
A year or two after that, shortly before the First World War, EF met and fell in love with the writer...
Intertextuality and Influence Sally Purcell
The short poems of this collection are, as usual with SP , highly allusive. Dr Dee II and Dr Dee III again deal with sixteenth-century magic. Other pieces respond to writing by other poets: to...
Literary responses Eleanor Farjeon
In fact, critics and scholars were fooled, and took the poems seriously, though Edward Thomas later implied that the metre in one piece ought to have given the game away.
Literary responses Eleanor Farjeon
Edward Thomas found it unreadable, but as late as 1959, when long out of print, it brought EF some admiring letters.
Farjeon, Annabel. Morning has Broken: A Biography of Eleanor Farjeon. Julia MacRae, 1986.
88, 291
Literary responses Lady Margaret Sackville
Whitney Womack has recently written that LMS 's war poetry should be read alongside the war poetry of Rupert Brooke , Edward Thomas , Wilfred Owen , Siegfried Sassoon , and Isaac Rosenberg , as...
Literary responses Gillian Clarke
This volume won a Welsh Arts Council poetry prize.The reviewer for the Irish Times likened GC to Edward Thomas .
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Gillian Clarke. http://gillianclarke.co.uk/home.htm.
Literary responses Rose Macaulay
Edward Thomas , reviewing The Two Blind Countries for The Bookman, compared her poetry to de la Mare 's.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Most of her poems, he said are decidedly more intellectual and less sensuous than...
Literary responses Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
In his preface, Newbolt admits that MEC often entered very deep shadows filled with strange shapes, that may move a timid soul or two to ask if it be safe to follow her, but adds...
Textual Features Carol Ann Duffy
Many poems here feature women answering back to canonical male voices: Liz Lochhead to Donne , Jenny Joseph to W. S. Gilbert , U. A. Fanthorpe to Walt Whitman , Wendy Cope to A. E. Housman
Textual Features Flora Thompson
Two characteristic stories by FT , published in 1913, exemplify her range. In this year The Ladies Companion carried The Nut Brown Maiden, whose gipsy heroine is based on the author's own early memories...
Textual Features Elizabeth Jennings
As befits the allusion in its title, this volume contains poems about bleak, parched seasons of life. A group of them depict old age: Old People's Nursing Home, My Mother at 73, Elegy...
Textual Features Lilian Bowes Lyon
The influence of Edward Thomas has been discerned in her war poetry.
Day, James Wentworth. The Queen Mother’s Family Story. Robert Hale, 1967.
The title-poem, in six sections, sets out incongruously from a sound of [o]ut-flowing and imperative classical music heard in a poor district...
Textual Production Eleanor Farjeon
Oxford University Press published Edward Thomas , The Last Four Years. Book One of the Memoirs of Eleanor Farjeon.
British Book News. British Council.
(1958): 820


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