Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Gillian Clarke
Standard Name: Clarke, Gillian
Birth Name: Gillian Williams
Married Name: Gillian Clarke
, a Welsh poet who began writing in the later twentieth century, has been called by the Literary Reviewone of the leading poets and poetry teachers of her generation.
Clarke, Gillian, and Sheenagh Pugh. “Poems”. The Literary Review: Re-Imagining Wales, edited by Tony Curtis and Christopher Meredith, Vol.
She has also written plays (sometimes for radio), short stories, a libretto, non-fiction, reviews, translation, and poems for children, and has editedanthologies and a poetry journal.
Elfyn, Menna, editor. Trying The Line. Gomer, June 1997.
published her first volume of poetry since becoming Poet Laureate. It is entitled The Bees and bears a dedication in Welsh to Gillian Clarke
, National Poet of Wales.
's close friends have included many well-known late twentieth-century names in British poetry: Frances Horovitz
, whom she mourned in a number of poems, a trio of drinking friends in Glasgow (Tom Leonard
Within a month after FH
's death, her fellow poet Gillian Clarke
compiled a slim anthology of poems in her memory entitled Tenfold: Poems for Frances Horovitz.
She selected slightly more carols by women than by men, and recalled that Christina Rossetti
's In the Bleak Midwinter was the result of a commission from Scribner's Monthly in 1872. Her own contribution concerns...
Textual Features
Carol Ann Duffy
The sixty poets were each commissioned for a poem marking a particular year. They included Gillian Clarke
(1955: Running Away to the Sea), Ruth Fainlight
(1963: World Events), Liz Lochhead
(1966: Photograph, Art...
Textual Production
Carol Ann Duffy
Contributors included Gillian Clarke
(with In a Cardiff Arcade, 1952), Jackie Kay
(with Silver Moon, for London's feminist bookshop, 1982-2001), and Liz Lochhead
(for the more general Essentials).
Textual Production
Anne Stevenson
She dedicated it to her grandson Paul and his parents; the last poem in the book conjures up little Paul dancing for, and stamping on, the sea.
Stevenson, Anne. The Other House. Oxford University Press, 1990.
v, 52
The book has an epigraph from...
Textual Production
Anne Stevenson
retains her belief in poetry's need and capacity to reach out to elusive reality, to the ahuman, wordless world.
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
qtd. in
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
She keeps an Ongoing Anthology, a loose-leaf folder with copies of...
Textual Production
Carol Rumens
Since this year, 2007, CR
has been picking a Poem of the Week for the Guardian newspaper, which prints the poem along with her commentary and analysis. Rumens like to pay attention to context and...
Textual Production
Frances Horovitz
The year FH
died, poems of hers were reprinted by Gillian Clarke
, Seamus Heaney
, and Ted Hughes
in a commemorative pamphlet. The next year Michael Horovitz
reprinted others in a similar tribute, A...
20 June to 7 July 2016: British poets Carol Ann Duffy, Gillian Clarke,...