Pierre de Marivaux

Standard Name: Marivaux, Pierre de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Anne-Thérèse de Lambert
The circle which ATL gathered as a hostess included, besides Montesquieu (who submitted all his manuscripts to her for comment), Dacier and La Motte , other eminent persons such as writers Marivaux , Fontenelle ,...
Literary responses Sarah Scott
The Monthly Review thought that this novel, though stiff and formal, was promising; that it was influenced by Marivaux ' Marianne;and that it was written by a man.
Griffiths, Ralph, 1720 - 1803, and George Edward Griffiths, editors. Monthly Review. R. Griffiths.
3 (May 1750): 59-61
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Publishing Mary Collyer
A probably pirated Life and Adventures of Indiana, the Virtuous Orphan, appeared, a version of Marivaux 's La vie de Marianne designed to rival MC 's Virtuous Orphan; or, The Life of Marianne...
Textual Features Frances Burney
Evelina opens with an ode to Charles Burney (unnamed) as Author of my Being, which sounds like an apology for having written.
Doody, Margaret Anne. Frances Burney: The Life in the Works. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
The preface acknowledges the formative influence of Richardson (as well as Henry Fielding
Textual Production Mary Collyer
MC 's The Virtuous Orphan; or, The Life of Marianne (a translation and free adaptation from Marivaux ) was published.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
12 (1742): 224
Feminist Companion Archive.
Textual Production Mary Collyer
The History of Miss Indiana Danby in several volumes, by a Lady, was somewhat improbably suspected of being another translation by MC from Marivaux ; if it was hers it must have been posthumous...
Textual Production Mary Collyer
The ascription probably follows from the Marivaux translation of 1746, The Life and Adventures of Indiana, the Virtuous Orphan (above). The text of Indiana Danby's first two volumes (which are complete without the later...
Textual Production Timberlake Wertenbaker
TW has done a number of translations from the work of dramatists in other languages, especially French and ancient Greek. As well as Lorca 's The House of Bernarda Alba, she has translated from...
Textual Production Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
LMWM wrote a free translation of Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard, a comedy by Marivaux ; she titled it Simplicity.
Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Clarendon, 1999.


No timeline events available.


Marivaux, Pierre de. “Introduction”. The Virtuous Orphan; or, The Life of Marianne, Countess of *****, edited by William Harlin McBurney and Michael F. Shugrue, translated by. Mary Collyer, Southern Illinois University Press, 1965, p. xi - xliv.
Marivaux, Pierre de. The Virtuous Orphan; or, The Life of Marianne, Countess of *****. Translator Collyer, Mary, Jacob Robinson, 1743, 4 vols.
Marivaux, Pierre de. The Virtuous Orphan; or, The Life of Marianne, Countess of *****. Editors McBurney, William Harlin and Michael F. Shugrue, Translator Collyer, Mary, Southern Illinois University Press, 1965.