Mahatma Gandhi

Standard Name: Gandhi, Mahatma
Used Form: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Katharine Bruce Glasier
Katharine Conway, later KBG , was born to an English, white, minister's family, who considering their middle-class status were relatively poor. She was the product of her parents' views on equality of educational opportunities for...
Education Bessie Head
She continued with self-education after she left school, through the M. L. Sultan Library , a local institution donated to the community by a wealthy merchant of Indian origin, which filled a gap for coloured...
Friends, Associates Ethel Mannin
Reynolds was a friend of Mahatma Gandhi , and had been entrusted with Gandhi's historic letter to the British viceroy during the Civil Disobedience Campaign.
Huxter, Robert. Reg and Ethel. Sessions Book Trust, 1992.
Croft, Andy. “Ethel Mannin: The Red Rose of Love and the Red Flower of Liberty”. Rediscovering Forgotten Radicals: British Women Writers 1889-1939, edited by Angela Ingram and Daphne Patai, University of North Carolina Press, 1993, pp. 205-25.
EM herself met, through the Independent Labour Party
Friends, Associates Stella Benson
In India SB met with Gandhi and developed a friendship with Cornelia Sorabji .
Friends, Associates Sarojini Naidu
SN first met Mahatma Gandhi in London when he came to organise an ambulance unit soon after the outbreak of the First World War.
Dustoor, Phiroze Edulji. Sarojini Naidu. Rao and Raghavan, 1961.
Sengupta, Padmini. Sarojini Naidu: A Biography. Asia Publishing House, 1966.
Friends, Associates Maude Royden
In IndiaMR was granted a private interview with Mahatma Gandhi : they talked about British colonialism.
Fletcher, Sheila. Maude Royden: A Life. Basil Blackwell, 1989.
She met him again later in London.
Friends, Associates Elma Napier
EN 's aristocratic lineage brought her into contact with many notable government and royal figures. As a young girl, she often visited the fifteenth-century Château de Breteuil, not far from Paris, home of her...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Despard
CD met Gandhi in London in 1914, and was also a good friend of Irish patriot Constance Markiewicz .
“Papers of Charlotte Despard”. AIM25: London Metropolitan University: Women’s Library.
Friends, Associates Katharine Bruce Glasier
Her involvement in socialist circles led her to acquaintance with Sidney and Beatrice Webb , Edward Hulton (editor of the Sunday Chronicle), and Robert Blatchford , for whom she wrote several articles.
Thompson, Laurence. The Enthusiasts. Victor Gollancz Limited, 1971.
Intertextuality and Influence Anna Kingsford
Despite this unfavourable mainstream review, the work exerted a lasting influence in vegetarian and alternative religious circles: After first reading Henry Salt 's Plea for Vegetarianism, Mahatma Gandhi went on to rank AK 's...
Intertextuality and Influence Eleanor Rathbone
Her review concedes that elements of Mayo's argument and approach were flawed, but insists that the book drew valuable attention to India's social problems, especially child marriage. Using quotations and statistics from the League of Nations
Literary responses Florence Nightingale
On 9 September 1915Gandhi celebrated FN 's work in Indian Opinion. He reported that it is said she did an amount of work which big and strong men were unable to do.
qtd. in
Dossey, Barbara Montgomery. Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer. Springhouse Corporation, 2000.
Literary responses Pearl S. Buck
It is said that Jawaharlal Nehru read this book aloud to Mahatma Gandhi when the latter was ill in bed, and made him laugh out loud.
Spurling, Hilary. Pearl Buck in China. Simon and Schuster, 2010.
Literary Setting Hélène Cixous
Cixous had, by 2001, written five plays for Mnouchkine 's Théâtre du Soleil , besides translating Greek tragedies for them in the early nineties.
Running-Johnson, Cynthia. “Cixouss Left and Right Hands of Writing in Tambours sur la digue and OsnabrückFrench Forum, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2001, pp. 111-22.
She has said that she values her theatrical writing for...
Occupation Maude Royden
In June 1921, they moved the Fellowship Services to the Guildhouse, Eccleston Square, where MR continued to preach until she resigned in December 1936. She resigned because, she said, I have to choose; and...


2 October 1869: Indian spiritual and Nationalist leader Mahatma...

National or international item

2 October 1869

Indian spiritual and Nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in Porbandar, India.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online.

30 June 1914: Jan Smuts and Mohandas Gandhi agreed by letter...

National or international item

30 June 1914

Jan Smuts and Mohandas Gandhi agreed by letter that South African law regarding Asiatics would be justly enforced.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 715
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

30 March 1919: Mohandas Gandhi proclaimed a hartal (work...

National or international item

30 March 1919

Mohandas Gandhi proclaimed a hartal (work stoppage) as part of satyagraha (passive resistance) against the Rowlatt Acts, which gave the Indian Government sweeping Emergency Powers, aimed especially against sedition.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 838-9
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

September 1920: The civil disobedience campaign against British...

National or international item

September 1920

The civil disobedience campaign against British rule in India began; it involved an immense non-cooperation movement, including a boycott of foreign cloth and British imports.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 839-40
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

10 March 1922: Gandhi was arrested and charged with sedition...

National or international item

10 March 1922

Gandhi was arrested and charged with sedition in Amhedabad, India, shortly after calling off his campaigns of civil disobedience and boycotts.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 840-1
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
Thomson, David, and Geoffrey Warner. England in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1979. 2nd ed., Penguin Books, 1981.

12 March 1930: Gandhi began his campaign of civil disobedience...

National or international item

12 March 1930

Gandhi began his campaign of civil disobedience (peaceful resistance to British rule in India) with the 240-mile Salt March, heading for the sea coast of Gujarat.
Bayly, Christopher Alan. Atlas of the British Empire. Facts on File, 1989.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 847
Langer, William L., editor. An Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
Meek, James. “If they’re ill, charge them extra”. London Review of Books, 21 Mar. 2002, pp. 3-5.

15 February 1942: Singapore, held by Britain, fell to Japanese...

National or international item

15 February 1942

Singapore, held by Britain, fell to Japanese forces.
Keegan, John. The Second World War. Viking, 1990.
Messenger, Charles. World War Two Chronological Atlas: When, Where, How and Why. Bloomsbury, 1989.
78, 81
Ali, Tariq. “Bitter Chill of Winter”. London Review of Books, 19 Apr. 2001, pp. 18-27.

1 April 1947: Mahatma Gandhi suggested, remarkably for...

National or international item

1 April 1947

Mahatma Gandhi suggested, remarkably for a devout Hindu , that the first Prime Minister of an independent (and united) India should be the MuslimMuhammad Ali Jinnah (who after Partition became first premier of Pakistan).
Vedantam, Shankar. “Lost recording of Gandhi uncovered”. Guardian Weekly, 15 Aug. 2008, p. 30.

30 January 1948: Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated in Delhi...

National or international item

30 January 1948

Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated in Delhi by a Hindu who claimed to be acting in retribution for Gandhi's part in the partition of India.
“Obituary: Mr. Gandhi, Apostle of Independence”. Times, 31 Jan. 1948, p. 6.

1953: The United Nations General Assembly appointed...

National or international item


The United Nations General Assembly appointed its first female president, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit of India.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

31 October 1984: Indira Gandhi, who had been Prime Minister...

National or international item

31 October 1984

Indira Gandhi , who had been Prime Minister of India with only one short break since 1967, was assassinated, shot down in her garden by two of her body-guards who were Sikhs, in retaliation for...


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