She did this to the Presbyterian
congregation of Samuel Annesley
, but they had not patience to hear her, and dragged her and her sister away, although she had patiently waited until the end of...
Family and Intimate relationships
Sarah Savage
After this he continued to follow his conscience in matters of religious observance and ritual, occupying an ambiguous position as the object of both respect and disapproval locally, and being several times arrested although always...
Family and Intimate relationships
Susanna Wesley
's father, the Rev. Samuel Annesley
(1620-96), was an eminent as well as a philoprogenitive London dissenter. During the interregnum he had been a presbyterian chaplain in the parliamentary navy. He then became rector...
Textual Production
Elizabeth Bathurst
The fuller title is An Expostulatory Appeal to the Professors of Christianity, Joyned in Community with Samuel Ansley. EB
says she made a proclamation to these people on the twentieth day of the eighth...