Henry Fuseli

Standard Name: Fuseli, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Wollstonecraft
MW was unhappily in love with the brilliant and eccentric Swiss artist Fuseli .
Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
112, 151
Friends, Associates Mary Wollstonecraft
On her return to London MW sought out the publisher Joseph Johnson , of 72, St Paul's Churchyard, who became her patron, helper, and friend. He introduced her to Sarah Trimmer , Anna Letitia Barbauld
Friends, Associates Maria Riddell
In England as in Scotland MR had a wide circle of friends. They included the artists Thomas Lawrence and Henry Fuseli and the writers Samuel Rogers , Richard Sharp , and Sir James Mackintosh ...
Intertextuality and Influence Liz Lochhead
In considering the question of why Mary Shelley created monsters, LL says she was haunted by that phrase from Goya : The sleep of reason produces monsters. If you try to force things to be...
Publishing Liz Lochhead
Lochhead has reworked this play (about Mary Shelley 's creation of Frankenstein) several times. A revised version was performed at the EdinburghFringe Festival by the Traverse Theatre Club under the new title Blood...
Textual Features Ann Hatton
The collection shows the poet as sensitive to the influences of canonical, that is fairly recent male, poetry. The dedication quotes Pope ; the Address to the Public says that not thirst of Fame but...


1789-98: Essays in Physiognomy (translated by Henry...

Building item


Essays in Physiognomy (translated by Henry Hunter from Johann Kaspar Lavater ), with engravings by Johann Heinrich Füssli (known in England as Henry Fuseli), set off crazes for physiognomy and silhouettes.
Donato, Clorinda. “Reading the Face: Lavater in the Twenty-first Century”. Lumen, edited by William Kinsley et al., Vol.
, 2001, pp. 83-100.
83, 89-90, 91, 97 and n12


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