Charles Edward Stuart

Standard Name: Stuart, Charles Edward
Used Form: Young Pretender
Used Form: Bonnie Prince Charlie


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features Elizabeth Helme
Volume one is headed with a stanza from an old Scottish ballad. (Other ballads, and quotations from Allan Ramsay , are similarly used to head chapters.) The book begins with the kind of interjection fashionable...
Textual Features Naomi Jacob
Characters in this book (stereotypes all, according to Paul Bailey) include Haydn , Mozart (a little, white-faced genius), Casanova (possessor of a strange, twisted smile), and the Young Pretender .
qtd. in
Bailey, Paul. Three Queer Lives: An Alternative Biography of Fred Barnes, Naomi Jacob and Arthur Marshall. Hamish Hamilton (Penguin), 2001.
Textual Features May Laffan
All of ML 's short stories mark class through idiom. In this case she had mastered an unfamiliar diction by visiting Edinburgh, and her lower-class characters speak broad Scots while middle-class characters speak Standard...
Textual Production Carola Oman
CO published the last of her novels, Over the Water, which fictionalises the escape of the Young Pretender or Bonny Prince Charlie , through the help of Flora Macdonald , after the second Jacobite Rebellion.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
“Obituary: Miss Carola Oman”. Times, 12 June 1978, p. 16.
Textual Production Charlotte Maria Tucker
The earliest of CMT 's juvenile plays was a historical one, The Iron Mask, which she finished in 1839 and dedicated to her father with thanks for his help with the plot and characters....
Textual Production Carola Oman
The same year as her final historical novel—about the Young Pretender—CO chose the same person as subject for her earliest historical biography, Prince Charles Edward, written for Duckworth 's Great Lives series.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
“Obituary: Miss Carola Oman”. Times, 12 June 1978, p. 16.
Textual Production Eliza Haywood
EH published A Letter from H— G— , Esq. . . . to the Young Chevalier, an anonymous pamphlet probably by her, in which a gentlemen of his bedchamber addresses Prince Charles Edward , dated 1750.
Spedding, Patrick. A Bibliography of Eliza Haywood. Pickering and Chatto, 2003.
Whicher, George Frisbie. The Life and Romances of Mrs. Eliza Haywood. Columbia University Press, 1915.
Haywood, Eliza. “Introduction and Chronology of Events in Eliza Haywood’s Life”. The Injur’d Husband, or, The Mistaken Resentment; and, Lasselia, or, The Self-Abandon’d, edited by Jerry C. Beasley, University Press of Kentucky, 1999, p. ix - xlii.
Textual Production Alison Cockburn
Like other Scotswomen of the gentry class whose names are associated with the eighteenth-century ballad revival, AC frequently marked occasions in her circle with personal and occasional poems. Only a small proportion of her output...


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