Her mother (born Emily Tilsley) was the daughter of a wealthy Montgomeryshire banker.
Miles, Alfred H. The Victorian Poets: The Bio-Critical Introductions to the Victorian Poets from A. H. Miles’s The Poets and the Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. Editor Fredeman, William E., Garland, 1986.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Most sources agree on her mother's family name as Tilsley. However, Armstrong
and Bristow
cite it as Tyldesley from the ancient...
Literary responses
Harriet Hamilton King
noted of these poems that we have the delight in beauty, in beauty for its own sake; the revelling in the wonder of flowers, which Mrs. King can write of as very few can...
Constance Naden
Recently her writing has been included in Victorian Women Poets: an Anthology, edited by Margaret Reynolds
and Angela Leighton
, 1995; in Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology, edited by Isobel Armstrong
Ann Hawkshaw
's work has been sporadically reprinted. She is one of the poets included in Annie Hone
's 1891 collection The Children's Casket: Favourite Poems for Recitation, along with Jean Ingelow
, Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Laurence Hope
Despite her immense popularity during her lifetime, LH
has not benefited as much as other forgotten poets from the resurgence of attention to women's writing. Her work is not included in the major recent anthologies...
Amy Levy
A revival began with Melvyn New
's edition in 1993 of her Complete Novels and Selected Writings.
Beckman, Linda Hunt. Amy Levy: Her Life and Letters. Ohio University Press, 2000.
Although AL
's poetry is comparatively slighted in this edition, her work has been regularly included...
May Kendall
Not much is known about MK
's life in the twentieth century. According to Isobel Armstrong
, Joseph Bristow
, and Cath Sharrock
in Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology, she was quite eccentric...
Textual Features
Margaret Veley
As critics Joseph Bristow
and Isobel Armstrong
note, the poems are technically assured;
Armstrong, Isobel et al., editors. Nineteenth-Century Women Poets. Clarendon Press, 1996.
their succinctness of diction and evocative imagery anticipate the poetry of the fin-de-siècle. Some tackle universal yet also fashionable themes...
No timeline events available.
Armstrong, Isobel et al., editors. Nineteenth-Century Women Poets. Clarendon Press, 1996.
Pearsall, Cornelia D. J. “The Dramatic Monologue”. The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry, edited by Joseph Bristow, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 67-88.