Pope Leo XIII

Standard Name: Leo XIII, Pope


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Howitt
Her last public appearance, in company with the Duke of Norfolk (premier Catholic peer of Britain), took place at the Papal Jubilee, 8 January 1888, when Pope Leo XIII granted her an audience.
Dunicliff, Joy. Mary Howitt: Another Lost Victorian Writer. Excalibur Press of London, 1992.
death Mary Howitt
MH died of bronchitis in Rome, aged eighty-eight, three weeks after her audience with Pope Leo XIII .
Woodring, Carl Ray. Victorian Samplers: William and Mary Howitt. University of Kansas Press, 1952.
222, 225
Education Frances Eleanor Trollope
At some point, she received a thorough education in Italian. According to her niece Muriel Trollope , she spoke it fluently.
Trollope, Muriel. “What I Was Told”. Trollopian, Vol.
, No. 4, Mar. 1948, pp. 223-35.
Pope Leo XIII is said to have complimented her as the lady who...
Family and Intimate relationships Jessie White Mario
By 1 December 1881 JWM 's husband, Alberto Mario , was on trial in Rome for publishing an article in which he spoke against Pope Leo XIII . Although he was sentenced to a term...


20 February 1878: Following the death of Pius IX, Leo XIII...

National or international item

20 February 1878

Following the death of Pius IX , Leo XIII was elected Pope.
Cowie, Leonard W., and Leonard Woolfson. Years of Nationalism: European History 1815-1890. Edward Arnold, 1985.
“The Catholic Encyclopedia”. New Advent.

1887: Pope Leo XIII beatified Sir Thomas More....

Writing climate item


Pope Leo XIII beatified Sir Thomas More .
Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History. 3rd revised, Simon and Schuster, 1991.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

13 September 1896: Pope Leo XIII published his encyclical Apostolicae...

Building item

13 September 1896

Pope Leo XIII published his encyclical Apostolicae Curae, which formally rejected Anglican ordinations within the Roman Catholic Church as absolutely null and utterly void.
Edwards, David Lawrence. Christian England, from the Eighteenth Century to the First World War. Collins, 1984, 3 vols.
Edwards 284
Edwards, David Lawrence. Christian England, from the Eighteenth Century to the First World War. Collins, 1984, 3 vols.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.


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