Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree

Standard Name: Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Viola Tree
Her father, the famous actor-manager Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree , named her after the Viola of Shakespeare 's Twelfth Night (though he almost named her Rosalind, for As You Like It). At her birth...
Education Hélène Barcynska
HB 's ambition to go on the stage caused her to write for advice to Ellen Terry , and then appeal for help to the admiring Sir Thomas Lipton , who offered to pay her...
Education Jean Rhys
Ella Williams (later JR ) entered Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree 's School (later renamed the Academy of Dramatic Art ) in London to study acting.
Rhys, Jean, and Diana Athill. Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography. 1st ed., Deutsch, 1979.
Savory, Elaine. Jean Rhys. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Angier, Carole. Jean Rhys: Life and Work. Little, Brown, 1990.
Family and Intimate relationships Ella Hepworth Dixon
EHD 's eldest brother, William Jerrold Dixon , was a barrister and the secretary of a Royal Commission established to investigate the sanitary conditions of Dublin; he died in that city on 20 October...
Family and Intimate relationships Viola Tree
Throughout her life, VT took direction from her father, the actor-manager Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree , who had abandoned his job in the family corn-trading business to pursue a career on stage, and had changed...
Family and Intimate relationships Iris Tree
IT 's father was actor-manager Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree , who had given up a job in the family corn-merchant business to pursue acting. After his father told him, An actor can be tolerated only...
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES had many friendships, and there were few notables in the artistic world whom she did not meet. Her friendships were quite volatile, with frequent quarrels, sometimes caused by the practical jokes and the heightened...
Friends, Associates Emily Faithfull
EF 's circle of literary friends included Oliver Wendell Holmes , Joaquin Miller , James Russell Lowell , and Walt Whitman .
Stone, James S. Emily Faithfull: Victorian Champion of Women’s Rights. P. D. Meany, 1994.
She also made the acquaintance of many actors and actresses, including Henry Irving
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Robins
ER 's first few years in London brought her into contact with several important literary and theatre figures, including Henry James , Oscar Wilde , actor-manager Herbert Beerbohm Tree , and actress Ellen Terry ...
Friends, Associates Kate Parry Frye
At the Bourne End house, KPF and her sister spent idyllic youthful days, canoeing, punting, and bicycling.
Frye, Kate Parry. “Introduction”. Campaigning for the Vote: Kate Parry Frye’s Suffrage Diary, edited by Elizabeth Crawford, Francis Boutle Publishers, 2013, pp. 9-34.
The Plat also provided KPF with access to an aristocratic network, as many upper-class families attended the...
Leisure and Society Elinor Glyn
EG appeared on stage in a tableau vivant, one of a series designed by a socialite named Lady Arthur Paget (Minnie) and directed by Beerbohm Tree at His Majesty's Theatre .
EG 's grandson biographer,...
Literary responses Iris Tree
The reviewer for the Times announced, If anyone were able to revive the forgotten art of melodrama it would surely be the daughter of Sir Herbert Tree . The review continued by stating that IT
Occupation Constance Smedley
CS began early to see herself as a professional. She placed her first full-page illustration in the Pall Mall Magazine at the age of sixteen, and was so delighted at its acceptance that she took...
Occupation Viola Tree
VT made her theatrical debut at not yet twenty, performing the namesake role of Viola in her father 's production of Twelfth Night at the Theatre Royal in Edinburgh.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(16 November 1938): 9
Beerbohm, Max, editor. Herbert Beerbohm Tree: Some Memories of Him and of His Art. Hutchinson, 1920.
Occupation Viola Tree
VT performed in London for the first time, playing the part of Ariel in her father 's production of The Tempest at His Majesty's Theatre .
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(16 November 1938): 9
Beerbohm, Max, editor. Herbert Beerbohm Tree: Some Memories of Him and of His Art. Hutchinson, 1920.


1904: Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (father of the...

Building item


Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (father of the writers Viola and Iris Tree ) founded an Academy of Dramatic Art at His Majesty's Theatre in the Haymarket, London.
“RADA: A Brief History”. Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA).


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