Ross Laidlaw

Standard Name: Laidlaw, Ross


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Fictionalization Aphra Behn
AB has been repeatedly fictionalised in recent years. Ross Laidlaw published in 1992 a fiction, Aphra Behn—Dispatch'd from Athole, which added a coda to her life. In his story Gilbert Burnet enlists her to...


27 July 1689: John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee,...

National or international item

27 July 1689

John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee , led a force of Scottish Highlanders loyal to James II against William ite English soldiers in the pass of Killiecrankie.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.


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