became involved in the WSPU after Keir Hardie
introduced her to the Pankhursts, including Sylvia
(Christabel's younger sister), and to Annie Kenney
, in February 1906. Kenney, at Hardie's urging, persuaded EPL
to become...
Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
Christabel Pankhurst
had escaped imprisonment by going into hiding in Paris. The Pethick-Lawrences were released on bail on 28 March, and their trial was set for 15 May. It ran until 22 May. The...
Margaret Harkness
She was an active member of various socialist parties between 1887 and 1891, including the Social Democratic Federation
and the Independent Labour Party
, though she later called socialism both foolish and wrong.
qtd. in
Goode, John. “Margaret Harkness and the Socialist Novel”. The Socialist Novel in Britain: Towards the Recovery of a Tradition, edited by H. Gustav Klaus, Harvester Press, 1982, pp. 45-66.
Textual Production
Sylvia Pankhurst
In an unpublished story written in 1932, SP
fictionalises a love triangle between herself, her mother, and Keir Hardie
, harking back to life events of 1904. Biographer Barbara Winslow
argues that the depiction of...
Her subject, Mary Reid MacArthur
, 1880-1921 (wife of the trade unionist Will Anderson
, who died only two years before her), had done sterling work in the campaigns to end sweated labour and to...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Sylvia Pankhurst
This work, dealing with the earlier phases of the struggle, acknowledges the split among the Pankhursts, and confirms that SP
felt uneasy about the WSPU
leadership as early as 1911. It is a personal book...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
The autobiography almost exclusively focuses on her involvement in the militant suffrage movement and on the movement itself. She often reports external events with scant attention to her own part in them. She does begin...