Edward Cave

Standard Name: Cave, Edward
Used Form: Mr Urban
Used Form: Sylvanus Urban


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Katharine Elwood
AKE 's maternal grandmother, Mary (Jacob) Barrett , was a Kentish woman who had been a friend of the bluestocking Elizabeth Carter , while her husband belonged (possibly through her) to Carter's literary circle, and...
Family and Intimate relationships Jane Cave
He then began writing An Epistle to the Inhabitants of Gillingham, in the county of Dorset: wherein is a looking-glass for the faithful, which he did not finish until 1781, by which time he...
Friends, Associates Jane Brereton
In her youth JB knew Thomas Beach, who grew up at Wrexham, in the same district as herself (and later joined in the same verse exchanges in the Gentleman's Magazine), and probably...
Friends, Associates Mary Masters
Among the households where she lived were those of Elizabeth Carter (who sometimes read her work and discussed it with her) and of Edward Cave (the proprietor of the Gentleman's Magazine). It was Carter...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Brereton
Cave seems thus to have inspired JB to write the second major poem in her publication of October 1735—Merlin: A Poem . . . To which is added, The Royal Hermitage: A Poem—though...
Leisure and Society Elizabeth Carter
Joseph Highmore painted EC in about 1738, holding a book in her hand and about to be crowned with a laurel wreath. This picture seems to be related to Samuel Johnson 's poem To Eliza...
Occupation Elizabeth Carter
Her connection with the Gentleman's Magazine was nothing like a modern job with set hours, duties, and remuneration. Edward Cave , its founder and proprietor, was her father's friend; she had submitted poetry to the...
Publishing Mary Barber
She had sent the poem nearly two years before this in a letter to Edward Cave .
Publishing Jane Brereton
In the Gentleman's Magazine, Edward Cave announced his competition for a poem on the busts of British worthies set up in Queen Caroline 's Cave or Grotto at Richmond.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
3 (1733): 208
Publishing Fidelia
Fidelia reappeared unmistakably in the Gentleman's Magazine with Fidelia to Sylvanus Urban, a verse epistle in her former jaunty style to the magazine's proprietor, Edward Cave.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
5 (1735): 159
Publishing Fidelia
In the same Gentleman's Magazine issue that suggested she might be nothing but a disguise for the editor , appeared Fidelia 's To the unknown Gent [sic] who signs Sylvius.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
5 (1735): 215
Publishing Jane Brereton
Edward Cave (for whom JB had been a regular contributor) posthumously published, by subscription, her Poems on Several Occasions . . . with Letters to her Friends, bearing the date of 1744.
Both The...
Publishing Mary Masters
The Gentleman's Magazine published, with her name, a poem by MM together with her self-defence (addressed to the editor, Sylvanus Urban ) against an attack in the London Magazine.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
9 (1739): 154
Carlson, Carl Lennart. The First Magazine. Brown University Press, 1938.
Publishing Elizabeth Carter
EC issued, through Cave , in a small number of copies intended purely for friends and patrons, a slim quarto bearing her name: Poems upon Particular Occasions.
Myers, Sylvia Harcstark. The Bluestocking Circle: Women, Friendship, and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century England. Clarendon, 1990.
Bigold, Melanie. Emails to Isobel Grundy about Trotter, Carter, and Rowe. 26 Feb. 2006.
Publishing Mary Masters
This volume was printed for the Author. Its 833 subscribers (for 903 copies)
qtd. in
Fleeman, John David, and James McLaverty. A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Clarendon Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 409-10
included Samuel Johnson , Mrs Gardiner of Snow-Hill, Thomas Birch , a John Cockburne who may well have...


January 1731: Edward Cave published the first number of...

Writing climate item

January 1731

Edward Cave published the first number of The Gentleman's Magazine: the first monthly periodical and longest-running British literary journal.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
1 (1731)

July 1734: The Gentleman's Magazine offered a prize...

Women writers item

July 1734

The Gentleman's Magazine offered a prize for the best poem on the Four Last Things, or on one of them (Death, Judgement, Heaven, or Hell).
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
5 (1734): 382, 442, 508, 619, 694; 6 (1735): 159, 215, 255-6


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