Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Joan Whitrow
Standard Name: Whitrow, Joan
Birth Name: Joan Robinson
Married Name: Joan Whitrow
Self-constructed Name: The Widow Whitrowe
, a Quaker
and later an Independent pamphleteer in the post-Restoration period of reaction, is remarkable both for the family politics and religious feeling of her account of the deaths of two of her children, and for the attention she pays in her later pamphlets and prophecies to social issues like poverty.
An excerpt from this had appeared in a collection of documents published by M. R., first at Philadelphia in 1797 and then at London in 1799: An Account of a Divine Visitation and Blessing...
Family and Intimate relationships
Rebecca Travers
They had a daughter and a son who lived to grow up. It seems from RT
's contribution to Joan Whitrow
's The Work of God in a Dying Maid, 1677, that she too...
Friends, Associates
Rebecca Travers
She must have been a close personal friend of her co-religionist Joan Whitrow
and her family, for when Joan's daughter Susannah
was dying in 1677 she asked for Rebecca, that dear Friend . ....
Rebecca Travers
's visible ministry in London belongs to the years 1659-61.
Kunze, Bonnelyn Young. Margaret Fell and the Rise of Quakerism. Macmillan, 1994.
Her co-religionists trusted her to persuade Joan Whitrow
to submit the manuscript of a proposed publication to their committee according to their regulations...
Marie Stopes
Next year she printed another pamphlet, smaller again, entitled A New Gospel to All Peoples. This she said she had [f]irst delivered to the Anglican Bishops assembled at Lambeth,
qtd. in
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
in the manner of such...
The royal licence indicates that the gentlewoman attribution must have been accurate.The date belongs to the height of the plot: that is, the anti-Catholic furore that followed the murder of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey
Textual Features
Catherine Phillips
Though she stresses her own patriotic loyalty (Britannia's Monarch dear, I own / My Sov'reign under God)
Phillips, Catherine. The Happy King. Privately printed, 1794.
she is as eager to direct the king as such long-past predecessors in the genre...
Textual Features
Elinor James
She boosts the Church of England
, of course, but also urges William not to assume the throne, but to withdraw, limiting his own contribution to bringing pressure to bear on James II
(his father...
Textual Production
Anne Dacier
Readers of Marcus Aurelius in England of around AD
's age included the Dissenting prophet and pamphleteer Joan Whitrow
and the gentlewoman of letters Damaris Masham
. Other editions of this work appeared in this...
Textual Production
Helen Waddell
In 1931, the year of her Prévost work, HW
edited both A Book of Medieval Latin for Schools, a pedagogic anthology undertaken as frankly an experiment through the persistence of the Classical Panel of...
Textual Production
Rebecca Travers
In 1677 RT
contributed a preface to Joan Whitrow
's The Work of God in a Dying Maid, about the pious death of Whitrow's daughter Susannah
. This testimony took its place alongside others...
No timeline events available.
Whitrow, Joan. Faithful Warnings, Expostulations and Exhortations, to the Several Professors of Christianity in England, as well those of the Highest as the Lowest Quality. Elizabeth Whitlock, 1697.
Whitrow, Joan. The Humble Address of the Widow Whitrowe to King William. 1689.
Whitrow, Joan. The Humble Salutation and Faithful Greeting of the Widow Whitrowe to King William. 1690.
Whitrow, Joan. The Widow Whiterows Humble Thanksgiving for the Kings Safe Return. D. Edwards, 1694.
Whitrow, Joan et al. The Work of God in a Dying Maid. 1677.
Whitrow, Joan. To King William and Queen Mary, Grace and Peace. 1692.
Whitrow, Joan. To Queen Mary: the Humble Salutation, and Faithful Greeting of the Widow Whitrowe. 1690.
Whitrow, Joan. To the King, and Both Houses of Parliament. Elizabeth Whitlock, 1696.