Helen Chadwick

Standard Name: Chadwick, Helen


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features Jo Shapcott
She first prints a poem entitled Piss Flower, which was suggested to her by the work of a fantastic craftswoman named Helen Chadwick , who had cast the indentations of [her] peeing in the...
Textual Production Marina Warner
Warner has written a significant number of book introductions to texts including Christine de Pisan 's The Book of the City of Ladies, Angela Carter 's edited volume The Second Virago Book of Fairy...


1987: Helen Chadwick was the first woman shortlisted...

Building item


Helen Chadwick was the first woman shortlisted for the Turner Prize for artists for her highly controversial piece entitled Carcass, using domestic detritus which changed physically during the course of exhibition.
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.


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